June 7 Linda Urrutia & Sandy Hoyt
June 14 Alan Smith and Virginia McKnight
June 21 Terry White and Tom Larsen
June 28 Sally Hass and Sandy Hoyt
June 7 Linda Urrutia & Sandy Hoyt
June 14 Alan Smith and Virginia McKnight
June 21 Terry White and Tom Larsen
June 28 Sally Hass and Sandy Hoyt
Cherith Brook
Friends @ Knox, thank you so much for the gifts in support of Cherith Brook. We continue to offer welcome and hospitality although altered a bit. We are so thankful to have resources to share, especially now.
Peace to you! Jodi for all @ Cherith Brook
Aberdeen Village
Dear Knox Church:
Words alone cannot represent our thanksgiving for your kind and generous support of our Aberdeen Village Good Samaritan Fund. We want to thank you on behalf of the residents for your recent gift. Each day, the continued health, happiness and well-being of all our Aberdeen Village residents will serve as further expression of our gratitude for Good Samaritans like you.
Once again, thank you for your desire to support the Good Samaritan Program and the meaningful role you have in our mission.
Sincerely yours,
Tim Allin
(4/23/20 gift of $1,500)
Dear Friends:
Thank you for investing in the lives of the most vulnerable people in our community through your donation to Cross-Lines!
We know that you are likely facing a great deal of uncertainty in your life right now, but we want to assure you that your generous contribution will guarantee that a family in need doesn’t have to worry about where their next meal will come from—and that is something to celebrate!
During this difficult time, our team at Cross-Lines is working tirelessly to make sure that we can continue to provide essential services to our clients. We are determined to keep our doors open and continue providing food, toiletries, and hot showers to those that need it most. Together with your help, we can make it through this tough time and serve our wonderful community for years to come.
Once this crisis is over, I welcome the chance to give you a tour of our campus so you can see all the wonderful things your gift makes possible. Please follow us on Facebook and check out our website for the latest Cross-Lines news and updates.
Thank you so much for your kindness!
With Appreciation,
Susila Jones
Three letters were received from Cross-Lines.
1. 4/6 $1,500 and 4/14 $500, Donation for the lunch program
2. 4/20 $465, For the Hunger Relief Program
3. 4/27 $2,000
Single Mom KC
To the Elders, Deacons, Staff & Members,
The over and above contribution from Knox is a beautiful expression of God’s kindness and faithfulness. Time and time again our hearts have been strengthened by the generosity of Knox Church. Thank you for laboring with us in the area of single mother families. In times like these the sustainability of a non-profit is challenged. However, this gift reminds us as leaders “If God be for us...who can be against us.” Our mission to bring hope, courage, and community to women who feel isolated and alone is more important now than ever.
Thank you for making a way for us to press on!
God bless, Misty Honnold
Dear Friends:
How do we talk to our kids about the Christian faith? How do we address topics with family members that might seem difficult? How can we engage in activities at home that foster some kind of spiritual growth?
One way is to dwell in the Word. This practice only requires a Bible. Pick a short passage, like Matthew 5.1-11. Read the passage out loud and ask each person gathered with you to listen with their heart for a word or phrase that jumps out at them. After the reading, ask each one to share that word or phrase, but say no more about it. Pause, then read the passage again, perhaps allowing another person to read this time. After this second reading, ask each person to share about what they feel God might be communicating to them. You might ask, "what attracted you about the word or phrase?".
Or you might ask, "what is the Spirit doing in you as you hear the word?". Finally, read the same passage a third time. Pause, then ask each listener to identify a potential application or action step that could be pursued. In this way, we challenge each other to apply what God is saying to us in our daily living. This ancient practice of dwelling in the Word may be a practice that brings new life into your home. It can be done with kids and you may learn something from them! You may be surprised at the results if you try this. And please, let me know if you do!
Yours Joyfully,
Paul Grant, Christian Ed Director
What an unusual month it has been for many of us!
Extroverts certainly have not enjoyed all the isolation and zoom conferencing. They love being around people (myself included) and long for the time when we can all get together, especially in worship. Introverts, on the other hand, may have enjoyed working from home. Even when the quarantine ends, they may prefer to continue working at home if their job permits them to do so.
It is my prayer and hope that this time of being quarantined is a time of learning for all of us; learning how we can reach out to others, offering hope and encouragement to them through the promises of God.
I truly was blessed by the study of the Acts of the Apostles. We finished in May this great writing about the early church. Our discussions were lively, as we closely made our observations from the text. It got harder as we sought to interpret the meaning from each chapter and how that message might be for Christians today. Finally, at the end of each class session, we shared how the lesson applied to our spiritual lives. Why? It is not enough to just like what we read, yet fail to seek some practical application. God is in the business of changing the hearts of people.
Today I attended the funeral service of one of the dear saints of God and a member of Knox. Mary Knight, if you met her, was a woman with a sweet spirit that demonstrated her love for others. During her later years, she had great trouble breathing. She was on oxygen around the clock, but always seemed to have a smile on her face. Arlene Burroughs was with Mary to the end of her life through numerous phone calls. Arlene was doing what Jesus asks us to do; being in fellowship with dear friends by sharing scripture, prayers, and singing hymns. So I share the following prayer below reminding us to live each day fully. Try it as a morning prayer.
O God, for another day, for another morning, for another hour, for another minute, for another chance to live and serve you, I am truly grateful.
Free me this day from all fear of the future, from all anxiety about tomorrow, from all bitterness towards anyone, from all cowardice in the face of danger, from all laziness in the in the face of work, from all failure before opportunity, from all weakness when your power is at hand.
But fill me with love that knows no barrier, with sympathy that reaches to all, with courage that cannot be shaken, with faith strong enough for the darkness with strength sufficient for my tasks, with loyalty Your Kingdom/s goal, with wisdom to meet life’s complexities, with power to me to You.
Be with me another day and use me as You will. For Christ’s sake I pray.
Dear Mothers,
God knew children would need nurturing, encouragement, support and greater still someone to love them at all times, in all circumstances, and so He created YOU. As “mom” your greatest responsibility is to teach your child in the way of Lord through your words and actions.
Proverb 31:28-30
28 Her children rise up and call her blessed;
Her husband also, and he praises her.
29 “Many daughters have done well,
But you excel them all.”
30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
May you all have a blessed and joyous Mother’s Day!
Send a card, or whatever is appropriate to let these people
know that you are thinking of them.
Make a personal commitment to lift them in prayer.
May 3 Jim & Lilah Gillett
May 10 Bob Gorham
May 17 Betty Hodges-Iancu
May 24 Mary Jackson
May 31 Mary Knight
May 3 Kathleen McCullough
May 10 Janet Huddleston
May 17 Christie Brooks
Lloyd Navratil
May 24 Greg Conway
Dave Taylor
May 31 Jane Jarboe
Tom Noren
Dear friends,
As we continue to work our way forward through this health challenge, I thought I would provide an update.
On March 20, Lee Trotter (he helps with the summer program in KCK) kindly went around to different places and collected our supplies. Then a team of young people (We were trying to avoid using any one in the high risk category.) assembled boxes of food. They were able to assemble 100 boxes with supplies to last for about one month.
On Saturday, March 21, they distributed all of the boxes to the needy. Additionally, we had some baby clothes, kids clothes, coats and shoes which were available for those in need to pick up at the same time. I’m so thankful for the willingness, generosity, and work of all involved to have made this happen before the new restrictions went into place.
I’ve checked with multiple people about whether the flip-flops and hats could be distributed easily, which is the April project, and while those are needed for the kids, the need for food is greater. The KCK school district is providing some meals every day, but a worker has been diagnosed with Covid, so it is unclear how that will impact the meal distribution. Lee (mentioned above) is planning to distribute some food every two weeks to those homeless and economically deprived in the area. The youth in the neighborhood will help (including some of the homeless) sort and pack. Then the boxes will be available for pickup at the location of the summer program. At this time, no decision has been made about the summer program. Because I want to honor the “stay at home” restrictions, I plan to place an order to be shipped/delivered to Lee’s place. One good thing about using non-perishables is that I can use this method of delivery. Lee will then gather with less than ten people to organize and distribute the food. If anyone would like to join me in helping with food supplies, please do. If not, we will continue to wait until the “stay at home” has been lifted and we can resume our normal activities.
Take care and stay healthy!
The Single Mom KC
Dear Knox family,
On behalf of all of us, leadership and single moms connected with The Single Mom KC, thank you so much for the generous ways you serve. We are extremely grateful for the ongoing financial gifts that are helping sustain our operating and program costs.
We appreciate the financial gifts, especially, through this uncertain time. Thank you for your ongoing clothing donations that help support “Clothed with Dignity Boutique. “ We are looking forward to getting the Boutique open again after the quarantine.
We are praying for our Knox partners! Thank you so much!
Love, Lori Unthank & The Single MOM KC Team
Heart to Heart
Dear Tim & members,
A heartfelt thank you to all the members of Knox. Your continued support ensures Heart to Heart volunteers are able to make a difference just like they are now in New York city and Kansas City. Our volunteer medical teams are providing care to those who need it most.
Thank you, Kim Carroll
Rose Brooks Center
Dear Knox
Because of your kindness as a Rose Brooks Center supporter, you have helped save and transform the lives of thousands of adults, children, and their pets. Your gift of $750.00 makes our life saving work possible.
Because of you, they are finding safe shelter.
Because of you, they are rebuilding their lives.
Because of you, they are transforming their future.
Adults, children, and their pets come through our doors filled with despair and fear. They have often experienced unspeakable adversity at the hands of loved ones. Yet through safety, support, counseling, advocacy, and economic empowerment, they are able to rise above their pain, find hope, and build new lives for themselves and their family.
With your gift you are a part of this important work. THANK YOU for supporting Rose Brooks Center and the individuals, families, and their pets that we serve—you are saving lives.
Sincerely, Susan K. Miller
Grace and Peace:
I have met a handful of you who have had good reason to stop by church. Others I have seen online, exchanged an e-mail with, or had a phone call. I have felt warmly welcomed into the Knox family. I want to thank you for your graciousness and welcoming spirit! I firmly believe that the core of the Christian faith is the invitation to become subjects in the Kingdom of God, where the love of God reigns! The kingdom calls us to a personal journey, but it is also very much a journey that we take together as God's people. I know I cannot live the Christian life without you, my brothers and sisters. I have come to Knox church to serve, but I also need this community in which we worship, pray, fellowship, study, and serve. I look forward to shared ministry with you all!
May the peace of Christ be yours,
Paul Grant,
Christian Ed Director
Our God is an awesome God! Today I began my time with the Lord by making myself available to do His will. Then I sought to listen very carefully to the Scripture I was reading – I Peter 2.
“We are living stones, chosen people to bring His excellencies as an example to follow. Jesus bore our shame on the cross that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.”
So as I meditated on these words from Peter, I shouldn’t have been surprised that God gave me two opportunities this morning to point others to our Savior. I made two phone calls that were Holy Spirit driven and helped me to see why I so greatly value my quiet times each day with God.
The reason I share this is because I will be exhorting the youth of Knox to also find depth in their quiet times with a God that loves them more than they can even imagine. My focus will go beyond just communicating our wishes and sins to the Lord. I want the kids to listen to the responses God will bring their direction. I pray all of us would seek to become daily disciples of Jesus Christ and cherish the words He speaks when we come to Him.
Use this time in our lives to establish daily spiritual disciplines of scripture reading, prayer, and meditation. Why not challenge our family members this week to read a passage of scripture (maybe a gospel) and then set a time to get together to share our insights? Parents, if we get serious about the need for time with Jesus, then our kids will be receiving the proper example. Are we choosing to ignore or imitate the calling of Christ for communion (fellowship)?
Some people think that life right now is totally chaotic! But not Fred, for I believe that Jesus is very much in control of our lives and urging us to put our trust in Him. Understand that “in the world we will have tribulation, but be of good cheer for Jesus has overcome the world”. John reminds us that “the perfect love of God casts out all fear”. Place any anxiety right now in the hands of our awesome savior.
Read Philippians 4:4-8. Paul admonishes us to bring our anxiety to God. Why? Because when we do, the ‘peace of Christ’, which surpasses all understanding, will guard over our hearts and minds. Right now, life needs to be all about having the proper focus. Read and meditate on verse 8. Paul tells us what we are to set our minds on daily. In fact, this verse is my ‘life verse’ for 2020! I am so pumped up to practice what the Scriptures teach us. Ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom about how we should live?
Now can actually be a great time for us; when we get away from all our friends and use this to be a time for meditation on the Word of God. Why not memorize some verses which the Lord seems to be urging into our hearts? If you want to talk about bible passages to study, then please give me a call.
Also, you will be hearing from our Christian Education Director Paul Grant. Tell him about the stories of Christ working within your heart.
The Knox Child Development Center will be closed March 30 through April 10. The decision was made to close to protect the children and staff from contracting the coronavirus. It was very time consuming and nearly impossible to keep all areas in the Center sanitized, so for the safety of all concerned it will be closed for two weeks.
Church services held in our building are cancelled for now. You and your family are encouraged to worship via live streaming at 9am and 11:05am Sunday mornings. The only people remaining in the building will be the worship leaders, technical team, and Pastor Tim.
Knox staff will not always be working at their office at Knox but rather working from their home.
We are thankful for those working very hard to find a solution to the Coronavirus. Be praying for them.
We are blessed to have many means to stay connected with family and friends. In the good times and in the hard times, count your blessings!
Dear Pastor Tim and congregation,
We are so thankful for your generous donation of $1,614.53. You are giving our Pawnee students the opportunity to hear the symphony, see plays, and go to the zoo. It also helps them to learn about our community outside of the school and brings things like history, art, and music into their lives in a whole new way. Your partnership adds so much value to the students’ education.
Thank you for supporting us in so many ways. We are so grateful for you!
Regards, Jenny Lohr, PTA treasurer.
(Pawnee Elementary)
Dear Knox Presbyterian Church,
Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help and our IHN guests are no exception. We are so grateful to you and the dedicated members of Knox Presbyterian Church.
Please accept our heartfelt thanks for hosting our families the week of March 1. We know that providing this help requires a big commitment from your congregation. Please convey our gratitude to all involved and let them know their efforts make a difference to people who need a helping hand.
Sincere thanks, Vicki & Cheryl
(International Hospitality Network)
Sharing God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world
by providing relief from natural disasters, food for the hungry,
and support for the poor and oppressed.
Here is a prayer for you as you plan what you will give to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering.
God of mercy, help us look past the walls and doors of Knox. Help us to open our doors to walk alongside the vulnerable to whom we have been called. As we share through this Offering, may all your children feel the love of Christ and share in the justice, compassion, and joy You offer. Keep us unsatisfied with being THIS church on THIS corner, so we shall be known as CHRIST’s church to the whole world. Amen
Normally, the One Great Hour of Sharing offering is collected on Palm Sunday. You can give any time by going to PCUSA.org and clicking on GIVE NOW, or you may send or drop off your gift at the church office or place it in an envelope marked One Great Hour and place it in the mailbox by the office door.
If you are able to continue giving your gifts of love to your church during this time of the coronavirus, it would be greatly appreciated. The usual bills are still arriving, and staff is continuing to work. No one knows at this time when church services will be held and we can worship together so for now, send via the post office or drop by the church and leave your offering in the mail box by the office door. Always remember that giving to the Lord is part of your worship to HIM.
Keep in mind, your church does not take offerings, worshipers give offerings.
Paul Grant was born in Kansas City, Missouri, and raised in Prairie Village, Kansas. Paul is a graduate of Johnson County Community College, the University of Kansas, and Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Paul's first career was in the environmental industry, working as a field technician and later as a biologist. Paul re-dedicated his life to Jesus Christ on August 4, 1993, and shortly after felt the call to full time Christian ministry. Paul has served as youth minister, worship leader, pastor, hospice chaplain, and children's director in various churches since 1997. His favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 6.16: Thus saith the LORD, stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.
Paul’s three adult children, his mother, and three of four siblings reside in the Kansas City area. Paul began playing guitar at age 14, and enjoys singing in nursing homes and writing songs. He also likes to bicycle, read, work crosswords, and hike. His favorite food is Mexican, favorite music is gospel, favorite movies are The Apostle and Nacho Libre. His favorite book is Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather. Paul loves kids and has worked in youth employment and job readiness programs, as well as a couple of years as a para-educator in special education. Paul is excited to begin a new season of ministry at Knox and asks that you join him in prayer, which is the foundation of any successful ministry.
See the list of the youth and adults going to Little Rock, Arkansas, leaving Sunday, March 15 and returning March 21. Their mission is to partner with the Habitat for Humanity chapter there by going to a neighborhood and meeting the needs of the people in that area. It might be raking, building a deck, power washing a house; showing the love of Christ in whatever needs to be done. Please be in prayer for the teens and sponsors; for safe travel, safety while working and a witness for Christ in all they say and do.
Their Bible verse for the week is
James 2:18
But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.”
Show me your faith without deeds,
and I will show you my faith by what I do.
Those participating in the mission trip:
Alec Wagner Ben Shaw
Beth Williams Brad Schluben
Jeremy Brown Jacob Legg
Mackenzie Walker Melaina Hesterlee
Molly Legg Whitney Post
Ben Watson Kevin Brown
Fred Daniels Aine DeSieghardt
Paul Moore
Hello All,
Thanks so much for your continued support of these kids. In 2019, we saw a decline in homeless unaccompanied youth because of the new shelter in KCK for High School age. Sadly, we saw an increase in the number of homeless elementary age youth. This year set new records in your generosity for which I’m very grateful.
Thank You!
Two inspiring things happened in December. As I was buying hats and gloves for the kids at the Dollar Store, the cashier asked if I was buying for homeless youth. I responded “yes, for the kids in KCK School District. “ The cashier recognized me and wanted to say "thank you." He let me know that he was one of the youth that we'd helped. He is no longer homeless! He had graduated from high school and now takes the bus to work at the store. Your generosity made a difference in his life, and it has allowed him to create a new life outside of homelessness! Also, we received a wonderful Christmas blessing of many items on Christmas Eve. It is simply amazing to see all that God does through each of you!
Happy New Year! Lori Triplett
For February
granola bars,
cheese and crackers,
and fruit snacks are being collected.
Put your items in the gray tub marked LLT Productions in the main hallway @ Knox.
The Board for Knox Child Development Center is looking for a member of the church to join them in their support of our children and staff.
Meetings are every other month and include:
*praying for our kids,
*looking at the budget,
*discussing ways to continue our care of the children
*and to improve our ministry.
Contact Kieli (kcdc@knoxchurch.com) or Janis at jwaggoner1614@gmail.com.
The KCDC staff is having an in-service on February 17. While the staff is learning, their children need some loving care. Could you help supervise their play, read stories or watch them during nap time? Contact Kieli at KCDC@knoxchurch.org.
Come enjoy a musical journey to Italy with Conductor, Raffaele Cipriano and the Overland Park Orchestra! The orchestra will embark at 3:30pm, Sunday, February 23 at Knox Presbyterian Church. Your passage is free and it will be smooth sailing with music by Gabrieli, Vivaldi, Rossini, Verdi and Respighi. All aboard!
The Mission Partnership Team wants to share the recent update on the plans for Payap's new church building with the congregation. They are making progress and greatly appreciate the prayers and financial support to help in this endeavor. Here is their report:
Payap Church Building Project Report
Refer to the board members of Payap Church meeting on Sunday 15, January, 2019. The chair report that the board members of Payap Church discuss about the budget of church building, 30 million ($973,157.40) baht is very high. So the advisor of board members informed to reduce the budget that should not more than 12 million ($389,357.64) baht. So the budget of the church building and all rooms include furniture will be 12 million ($389,357.64) baht.
The building will be modern style, 2 floors. The second floor will be the worship room for 250-300 people. The ground floor will consist of pastor’s office, Sunday school room, youth room, space room for others and kitchen. We will build only 1 building and have all rooms. The representatives of the board discuss with architect about the budget and changing the building. He appreciated to help by drawing the plan of building free but request 400,000 ($12,978.59) baht for guarantee supply running foundation system such as electric system, water system and foundation of building. Yesterday, 15 Dec. we agree for this budget. Then the architect will start to adjust the plan. I will send the plan later.
by Kru Pong, Secretary of the Building Team