A Note from Paul

Grace and Peace:

 I have met a handful of you who have had good reason to stop by church. Others I have seen online, exchanged an e-mail with, or had a phone call. I have felt warmly welcomed into the Knox family. I want to thank you for your graciousness and welcoming spirit!  I firmly believe that the core of the Christian faith is the invitation to become subjects in the Kingdom of God, where the love of God reigns! The kingdom calls us to a personal journey, but it is also very much a journey that we take together as God's people.  I know I cannot live the Christian life without you, my brothers and sisters. I have come to Knox church to serve, but I also need this community in which we worship, pray, fellowship, study, and serve. I look forward to shared ministry with you all!

May the peace of Christ be yours,
Paul Grant,
Christian Ed Director