Freestylin with Fred
Some people think that life right now is totally chaotic! But not Fred, for I believe that Jesus is very much in control of our lives and urging us to put our trust in Him. Understand that “in the world we will have tribulation, but be of good cheer for Jesus has overcome the world”. John reminds us that “the perfect love of God casts out all fear”. Place any anxiety right now in the hands of our awesome savior.
Read Philippians 4:4-8. Paul admonishes us to bring our anxiety to God. Why? Because when we do, the ‘peace of Christ’, which surpasses all understanding, will guard over our hearts and minds. Right now, life needs to be all about having the proper focus. Read and meditate on verse 8. Paul tells us what we are to set our minds on daily. In fact, this verse is my ‘life verse’ for 2020! I am so pumped up to practice what the Scriptures teach us. Ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom about how we should live?
Now can actually be a great time for us; when we get away from all our friends and use this to be a time for meditation on the Word of God. Why not memorize some verses which the Lord seems to be urging into our hearts? If you want to talk about bible passages to study, then please give me a call.
Also, you will be hearing from our Christian Education Director Paul Grant. Tell him about the stories of Christ working within your heart.