All ministry is transitional and is a natural part of the growth of any church organization. After 60 years, Knox Church is transitioning once again. In 2024, Transitional Ministry Pathways helped guide Knox Church through a transition process as we pursue and select our next permanent pastor.
This blog will serve as a record of our journey with Transitional Ministry Pathways, documenting our experiences from the close of 2023 through all of 2024.
What is happening right now?'
December 2024
Farewell from Reverends Jan Nolting Carter and Paul Rhebergen
Nov 4, 2024
Dear Members and Friends of Knox Presbyterian Church,
We write to you during a pivotal time in our church's journey. The congregation has voted to amend the by-law governing the ordination of candidates for leadership within Knox. This change in our by-laws is a result of your voice in surveys, focus groups, the work of the Transition Team, and participation in the welcoming conversation sessions. The goal of Session was to be transparent with all of you and prayerfully consider how to lead Knox in unity.
Regrettably, as occurred when the original by-law was adopted, some members have chosen to withdraw their membership, expressing that they can no longer support the congregation's direction. All will need to pray for those who are leaving, those who are staying, and for this congregation as it continues to seek to be faithful to its calling.
As we move forward, it’s essential to recognize the diversity of faith within our community and to hold in tension God’s call for unity amid disagreement. Jesus calls us to a ministry of reconciliation with one another and our broader community.
Looking ahead, the Nominating Committee will continue its work to identify new Elders, Deacons, and members for the Pastor Nominating Committee. We invite your recommendations for this important role.
The Session will also focus on understanding how this by-law change affects our process for evaluating candidates for ministry, guided by Scripture and our confessions. The Session will continue their work on the recommendations from the Transition Team.
Together, let us care for those questioning their place within Knox and find a faithful way forward. Our goal is to strengthen the peace, unity, and vitality of our church through shared ministry and reconciliation.
In Christ’s service,
Jan Nolting Carter and Paul Rhebergen, Co Moderators, Knox Presbyterian Church Session
Nancy Magee and Julie Moylan, Clerk and Assistant Clerk of Session
October 14, 2024
Report to the Knox Congregation on the October 8th Special Session Meeting
This report is a summary of the special Session meeting held on October 8. This report outlines the recommendations and next steps.
The Session of the Knox Presbyterian Church met in a special called meeting on Tuesday, October 8, for the purpose of reviewing what was learned during the three-week congregational study, “Welcoming Conversations: Thinking Together”, and deciding on next steps. After opening with the reading of scripture and prayer, the Session was asked to respond to three rounds of questions:
● What did you hear during the three gatherings that you found to be important?
● At this point, how do you define the issue before the Session?
● What do you think is the next step for the Session and the congregation?
Each elder was able to respond to each of the questions, and to clarify the responses they heard. After a period of discussion and prayer, the Session took the following action:
The Session voted to recommend to the congregation that the language of Congregational By-law VIII, 15:
Those who are called to office in the church are to lead a life in obedience to Scripture and in conformity to the historic confessional standards of the church. Among these standards is the requirement to live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness. Persons refusing to repent of any self-acknowledged practice which the confessions call sin shall not be ordained and/or installed as Deacons, elders, or ministers of the Word and Sacrament.
Be changed to By-law VIII, 15
Reflecting the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (USA), G-2.0104 a and b:
Gifts and Qualifications
a. To those called to exercise special functions in the church—deacons, ruling elders, and ministers of the Word and Sacrament—God gives suitable gifts for their various duties. In addition to possessing the necessary gifts and abilities, those who undertake ministries should be persons of strong faith, dedicated discipleship, and love of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel in the church and in the world. They must have the approval of God’s people and the concurring judgment of a council of the church.
b. Standards for ordained service reflect the church’s desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life (F-1.02). The council responsible for ordination and/or installation (G-2.0402; G-2.0607; G-3.0306) shall examine each candidate’s calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for the responsibilities of ordered ministry. The examination shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the candidate’s ability and commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation (W-4.0404). Councils shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.
The motion was approved 8-1.
The Session then voted to call a special meeting of the Congregation to be held on Sunday, October 27th, at 11:00 AM for the purpose of presenting the recommendation to the congregation for its decision.
Questions regarding the majority needed to change the Congregational By-Law were referred to the Sessions October 17 regular meeting.
This motion comes to the congregation as the next step in Knox Church’s transition. The process began with the Transition Team’s recognition that there is a part of the congregation that wishes to be more open and welcoming of all people, including in leadership roles. Members of the Transition Team identified the current by-law, VIII, 15, as a potential barrier. The Transition Team recommended:
Session should revisit section 15 of the church bylaws regarding qualifications for Deacons, Ruling Elders, and Teaching Elders and its implications for the welcoming atmosphere of Knox. This part of our identity is likely to impact the characteristics we look for in a pastor and which potential pastors are a good fit for Knox, so this discussion, discernment process, and resulting decisions should come prior to completing the Ministry Discernment Profile form. As stated in the Church Identity and Mission section, the Transition Team recommends Session lead a re-examination of relevant scripture and our congregation’s understanding of how to interpret scripture on this issue, and bring an amendment with the current Book of Order language to the congregation for vote.
The Session, through the Adult Spiritual Formation Team, began to implement the recommendation by planning the Welcoming Conversations.
The Session has now called the Congregational Meeting that will be the next step in this process.
Questions about the Session's recommendation can be directed to an Elder. Questions about the process of the congregation meeting can be directed to Julie Moylan, co-clerk of Session.
October 13, 2024
Session, at it’s October 8 Called Meeting, voted to call a Special Meeting of the Congregation that will be held, Sunday, Oct 27 at 11am for the purpose of presenting a recommendation to you for amending the congregational bylaws. A printed version of the call and the language of the recommendation will be available at The Welcome Center following worship service today. The call and recommendation will also be sent out early this coming week via email and will be placed on the website.
October 8, 2024
Session will meet to determine next steps
August 16, 2024
Everyone is encouraged to attend three Sunday night sessions as we explore together our thoughts, feelings and choices we'll be making as a congregation about what the Bible tells us, how wide God's mercy is, and how to reconcile different beliefs we have and still grow deeper as a Knox community. The sessions will be provided and facilitated by Reverend Jared L. Witt, Phd, LCPC.
Welcoming Conversations: Thinking Together About Sexuality and Leadership
Sept. 22, 5:00-6:00 pm – “The Bible Tells Me So”: Biblical Authority and Interpretation for Presbyterians
Sept. 29, 5:00-6:00 pm - How Wide Is God’s Mercy? Inclusion, Sexuality, and Giftedness in the Bible
Oct. 6, 5:00-6:00 pm – Reconciliation: Dealing with Our Differences About Sexuality and Leadership
These sessions are designed for adults and youth and will be held in the Atrium at Knox Church. Childcare will be provided for 5th grade and below. After each session, we'll be serving free-will offering dinner and everyone is encouraged to stay for fellowship and community time.
August 9, 2024
Knox Transition Update by Transitional Ministry Pathways Jan Nolting Carter, Consultant and Co-Moderator of Session
Where are we on the path of transition? As many of us are turning our heads to Fall–the start of school, the start of the church program year, the start of Fall travel, this seems like a good moment to give you an update on our transition work together. The Transition Team completed their report in June and it was approved by Session. The Session referred the recommendations to ministry teams for discussions around how to live into the recommendations. The teams will be reporting on their discussions at the August 15 Session Meeting. On July 14 after church, the Session, accompanied by the Transition Team, shared the report with the congregation, giving members the chance to ask questions and learn more about the recommendations.
What about Recommendation #1–I have been hearing talk about it. . . Recommendation #1 advocated that the Session provide the congregation opportunity to learn more about the Biblical and Theological spectrum of understandings around inclusion, particularly focusing on issues around the ordination, service and marriage of members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Since 2012, the Knox By-laws have included language that codified the pre-2011 Book of Order language that requires officers to live a standard of fidelity in marriage and chastity in singleness and that marriage is between a man and a woman. The Transition Team recommended that the congregation study and discuss a full spectrum of biblical and theological understandings to discern if this stance represents the sentiment of the current congregation.
The Adult Spiritual Formation Team, with the staff support of Fred Daniels and Josh Sweeney and the support of Transitional Ministry Pathways has researched leadership options for such a study and will be bringing to Session a recommendation for a congregation-wide, three week study in September. We highly recommend participation in this event, for all three weeks. Some of you will be able to join all three. Some may not. Attend as much as you can, coming with open and listening hearts. These conversations are of the highest priority for the congregation as they will cultivate an understanding of the theological spectrum of the congregation and therefore, the congruent theological perspective of your next pastor.
The Session will meet, following the conversations, and develop a course of action. This could include a decision to call a congregational meeting to vote on a by-law change or a decision to keep them the same. It could also include some other path that will be revealed by the Holy Spirit in the next month or two. Session members will be listening carefully to the conversations to faithfully respond to where the congregation is on these issues. We will keep you updated on the process, as well as the decisions.
What about forming a PNC? The Committee on Ministry approved the Transition Team report and gave permission to form a Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). Transitional Ministry Pathways has met with and trained the Congregational Nominating Committee for the work of putting together a PNC that will represent the whole congregation. The Nominating Committee is currently considering its process, keeping an eye on work of the Adult Spiritual Formation Team’s offering of congregational conversations. We anticipate a plan to form a PNC in the next week or so.
What else is happening? How can I be involved?
● Turn in your Spiritual Gifts inventory! After a summer of considering spiritual gifts, now is the time to discern yours and where you can serve God through Knox Church. For some of you, it might be trying something new. For others, it will be continuing what you are doing. For still others, perhaps you are in need of a time of sabbath.
● As soon as the Congregational Conversations are advertised, plan to attend. Sign up! Pray for the conversations–that the congregation can feel the movement of the Spirit and God’s guidance in discernment.
● Participate in worship and the ongoing programming and service of Knox Church
● Pray! Continue praying for your staff, your Session, and the congregation. All of you–staff, Session, Ministry Teams and congregation have done great work! Thanks be to God for you all, your faithfulness and your community
June 30, 2024
The Transition Team completed their report and presented it to Session on Thursday, June 27. The Session received and accepted it. The report is 24 pages long and includes 11 recommendations. A few paper copies will be available on the Welcome Center. Additionally, it will be submitted to Presbytery Committee on Ministry for their review. This is a necessary step for the formation of the Pastor Nominating Committee. On Sunday July 14, there will be a coffee and conversation gathering in the Annex immediately after worship to answer any questions you might have. The Team wants to thank you all for your participation in the process.
May 15, 2024
The Transition Team would like to thank you for completing the Pastor Search Inventory Survey and for participating in the Focus Groups. We had 98 people participate in the survey and 106 people who participated in Focus Groups.
We accumulated a large amount of data from the Surveys and Focus Groups which we have integrated and are now summarizing. We are currently analyzing the results and are in the process of coming to conclusions and recommendations for our final report which will also include a demographic study of our community and information from our community leaders. We plan to present our final report to Session in June.
April 4, 2024
Every member of the congregation has been asked to attend one focus group held between April 14 - April 28. Everyone’s input is welcomed an appreciated.
March 15, 2024 ‘Balcony View’ update. “It doesn’t feel like anything is happening. What is going on with the Transition and its process?” (View text of video by clicking here)
March 14, 2024
An informational survey has been sent to the congregation. The survey asks several sets of questions about Knox Church’s current ministry and each person’s involvement, as well as their input on pastoral leadership and their vision for Knox’s future.
February 14, 2024
The Transition Team has met twice so far in February. Transition Team leadership is Terry White, Chair/Convener; Beth Ashley, Vice Chair; Julie Larsen, Secretary; Bruce Parker, Chaplain; and Bill Magee, Communications Coordinator.
February 1, 2024
The Transition Team had their first meeting to discuss their next steps.
January 27, 2024
The Transition Team was commissioned at worship service. The work of the Transition Team is to develop a discernment process that will consider the history of Knox, the present moment and context and to develop a vision for the future.

January 2, 2024
Jan and Paul will be visiting Knox Church January 26-28.
December 2023
“Paul and I are working on two important tasks: getting to know you and Knox Presbyterian Church. If we were “on the ground,” living and serving with you, we would be doing visits and gathering small groups together. Even at a distance, thanks to Zoom and Teams, we are able to do the same thing. Last week, we spent between 30 minutes to an hour with each member of your staff, getting to know the church through their eyes and positions. We also met with the Deacons and learned about their ministries offering care to members and to the wider community. We have met with the Session and with the Administration Team. I like to think of this work as “putting the pieces together”. We are working on a collage or who Knox Presbyterian Church is, uniquely called by God to bring about the kingdom from your spot on 95th Street in Overland Park, KS. We will meet with Worship and Arts and Children and Family. We will mirror our observations and questions to Session and Staff to see how they resonate. Our next steps will include jointly prioritizing the work that needs to be done to prepare Knox for its next pastor.”
-Jan Nolting Carter Co Founder, Transitional Ministry Pathways