Freestylin with Fred

Our God is an awesome God!  Today I began my time with the Lord by making myself available to do His will.  Then I sought to listen very carefully to the Scripture I was reading – I Peter 2.
“We are living stones, chosen people to bring His excellencies as an example to follow.  Jesus bore our shame on the cross that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.” 
So as I meditated on these words from Peter, I shouldn’t have been surprised that God gave me two opportunities this morning to point others to our Savior.  I made two phone calls that were Holy Spirit driven and helped me to see why I so greatly value my quiet times each day with God. 
The reason I share this is because I will be exhorting the youth of Knox to also find depth in their quiet times with a God that loves them more than they can even imagine.  My focus will go beyond just communicating our wishes and sins to the Lord.  I want the kids to listen to the responses God will bring their direction.  I pray all of us would seek to become daily disciples of Jesus Christ and cherish the words He speaks when we come to Him.
Use this time in our lives to establish daily spiritual disciplines of scripture reading, prayer, and meditation.  Why not challenge our family members this week to read a passage of scripture (maybe a gospel) and then set a time to get together to share our insights?  Parents, if we get serious about the need for time with Jesus, then our kids will be receiving the proper example.  Are we choosing to ignore or imitate the calling of Christ for communion (fellowship)?