Wise Words from the WORD via Paul Grant

Dear Friends:

 How do we talk to our kids about the Christian faith?  How do we address topics with family members that might seem difficult? How can we engage in activities at home that foster some kind of spiritual growth? 
One way is to dwell in the Word. This practice only requires a Bible. Pick a short passage, like Matthew 5.1-11.  Read the passage out loud and ask each person gathered with you to listen with their heart for a word or phrase that jumps out at them.  After the reading, ask each one to share that word or phrase, but say no more about it.  Pause, then read the passage again, perhaps allowing another person to read this time.  After this second reading, ask each person to share about what they feel God might be communicating to them.  You might ask, "what attracted you about the word or phrase?".
Or you might ask, "what is the Spirit doing in you as you hear the word?".   Finally, read the same passage a third time. Pause, then ask each listener to identify a potential application or action step that could be pursued. In this way, we challenge each other to apply what God is saying to us in our daily living. This ancient practice of dwelling in the Word may be a practice that brings new life into your home.  It can be done with kids and you may learn something from them! You may be surprised at the results if you try this.  And please, let me know if you do!

 Yours Joyfully,

Paul Grant, Christian Ed Director