One Great Hour of Sharing

Sharing God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world
by providing relief from natural disasters, food for the hungry,
and support for the poor and oppressed. 

Here is a prayer for you as you plan what you will give to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering.

God of mercy, help us look past the walls and doors of Knox. Help us to open our doors to walk alongside the vulnerable to whom we have been called. As we share through this Offering, may all your children feel the love of Christ and share in the justice, compassion, and joy You offer. Keep us unsatisfied with being THIS church on THIS corner, so we shall be known as CHRIST’s church to the whole world.  Amen

Normally, the One Great Hour of Sharing offering is collected on Palm Sunday. You can give any time by going to and clicking on GIVE NOW, or you may send or drop off your gift at the church office or place it in an envelope marked One Great Hour and place it in the mailbox by the office door.