Hello All,
Thanks so much for your continued support of these kids. In 2019, we saw a decline in homeless unaccompanied youth because of the new shelter in KCK for High School age. Sadly, we saw an increase in the number of homeless elementary age youth. This year set new records in your generosity for which I’m very grateful.
Thank You!
Two inspiring things happened in December. As I was buying hats and gloves for the kids at the Dollar Store, the cashier asked if I was buying for homeless youth. I responded “yes, for the kids in KCK School District. “ The cashier recognized me and wanted to say "thank you." He let me know that he was one of the youth that we'd helped. He is no longer homeless! He had graduated from high school and now takes the bus to work at the store. Your generosity made a difference in his life, and it has allowed him to create a new life outside of homelessness! Also, we received a wonderful Christmas blessing of many items on Christmas Eve. It is simply amazing to see all that God does through each of you!
Happy New Year! Lori Triplett
For February
granola bars,
cheese and crackers,
and fruit snacks are being collected.
Put your items in the gray tub marked LLT Productions in the main hallway @ Knox.