What an unusual month it has been for many of us!
Extroverts certainly have not enjoyed all the isolation and zoom conferencing. They love being around people (myself included) and long for the time when we can all get together, especially in worship. Introverts, on the other hand, may have enjoyed working from home. Even when the quarantine ends, they may prefer to continue working at home if their job permits them to do so.
It is my prayer and hope that this time of being quarantined is a time of learning for all of us; learning how we can reach out to others, offering hope and encouragement to them through the promises of God.
I truly was blessed by the study of the Acts of the Apostles. We finished in May this great writing about the early church. Our discussions were lively, as we closely made our observations from the text. It got harder as we sought to interpret the meaning from each chapter and how that message might be for Christians today. Finally, at the end of each class session, we shared how the lesson applied to our spiritual lives. Why? It is not enough to just like what we read, yet fail to seek some practical application. God is in the business of changing the hearts of people.
Today I attended the funeral service of one of the dear saints of God and a member of Knox. Mary Knight, if you met her, was a woman with a sweet spirit that demonstrated her love for others. During her later years, she had great trouble breathing. She was on oxygen around the clock, but always seemed to have a smile on her face. Arlene Burroughs was with Mary to the end of her life through numerous phone calls. Arlene was doing what Jesus asks us to do; being in fellowship with dear friends by sharing scripture, prayers, and singing hymns. So I share the following prayer below reminding us to live each day fully. Try it as a morning prayer.
O God, for another day, for another morning, for another hour, for another minute, for another chance to live and serve you, I am truly grateful.
Free me this day from all fear of the future, from all anxiety about tomorrow, from all bitterness towards anyone, from all cowardice in the face of danger, from all laziness in the in the face of work, from all failure before opportunity, from all weakness when your power is at hand.
But fill me with love that knows no barrier, with sympathy that reaches to all, with courage that cannot be shaken, with faith strong enough for the darkness with strength sufficient for my tasks, with loyalty Your Kingdom/s goal, with wisdom to meet life’s complexities, with power to me to You.
Be with me another day and use me as You will. For Christ’s sake I pray.