The Knox Child Development Center will be closed March 30 through April 10. The decision was made to close to protect the children and staff from contracting the coronavirus.  It was very time consuming and nearly impossible to keep all areas in the Center sanitized, so for the safety of all concerned it will be closed for two weeks.   

Church services held in our building are cancelled for now.  You and your family are encouraged to worship via live streaming at 9am and 11:05am Sunday mornings.   The only people remaining in the building will be the worship leaders, technical team, and Pastor Tim.

Knox staff will not always be working at their office at Knox but rather working from their home.

We are thankful for those working very hard to find a solution to the Coronavirus. Be praying for them. 

We are blessed to have many means to stay connected with family and friends.  In the good times and in the hard times, count your blessings!