Cherith Brook
Friends @ Knox, thank you so much for the gifts in support of Cherith Brook.  We continue to offer welcome and hospitality although altered a bit.  We are so thankful to have resources to share, especially now.
Peace to you!  Jodi for all @ Cherith Brook

Aberdeen Village
Dear Knox Church:
Words alone cannot represent our thanksgiving for your kind and generous support of our Aberdeen Village Good Samaritan Fund.  We want to thank you on behalf of the residents for your recent gift.  Each day, the continued health, happiness and well-being of all our Aberdeen Village residents will serve as further expression of our gratitude for Good Samaritans like you.
Once again, thank you for your desire to support the Good Samaritan Program and the meaningful role you have in our mission.
Sincerely yours,
Tim Allin
(4/23/20 gift of $1,500)

Dear Friends:
Thank you for investing in the lives of the most vulnerable people in our community through your donation to Cross-Lines!
We know that you are likely facing a great deal of uncertainty in your life right now, but we want to assure you that your generous contribution will guarantee that a family in need doesn’t have to worry about where their next meal will come from—and that is something to celebrate!
During this difficult time, our team at Cross-Lines is working tirelessly to make sure that we can continue to provide essential services to our clients.  We are determined to keep our doors open and continue providing food, toiletries, and hot showers to those that need it most.  Together with your help, we can make it through this tough time and serve our wonderful community for years to come.
Once this crisis is over, I welcome the chance to give you a tour of our campus so you can see all the wonderful things your gift makes possible.  Please follow us on Facebook and check out our website for the latest Cross-Lines news and updates.
Thank you so much for your kindness!
With Appreciation,
Susila Jones
Three letters were received from Cross-Lines.
1.  4/6 $1,500 and 4/14  $500, Donation for the lunch program
2.  4/20 $465, For the Hunger Relief Program
3.  4/27 $2,000

 Single Mom KC
To the Elders, Deacons, Staff & Members,
The over and above contribution from Knox is a beautiful expression of God’s kindness and faithfulness.  Time and time again our hearts have been strengthened by the generosity of Knox Church.  Thank you for laboring with us in the area of single mother families.  In times like these the sustainability of a non-profit is challenged.  However, this gift reminds us as leaders “If God be for us...who can be against us.”  Our mission to bring hope, courage, and community to women who feel isolated and alone is more important now than ever. 
Thank you for making a way for us to press on!
God bless, Misty Honnold