See the list of the youth and adults going to Little Rock, Arkansas, leaving Sunday, March 15 and returning March 21. Their mission is to partner with the Habitat for Humanity chapter there by going to a neighborhood and meeting the needs of the people in that area. It might be raking, building a deck, power washing a house; showing the love of Christ in whatever needs to be done. Please be in prayer for the teens and sponsors; for safe travel, safety while working and a witness for Christ in all they say and do.
Their Bible verse for the week is
James 2:18
But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.”
Show me your faith without deeds,
and I will show you my faith by what I do.
Those participating in the mission trip:
Alec Wagner Ben Shaw
Beth Williams Brad Schluben
Jeremy Brown Jacob Legg
Mackenzie Walker Melaina Hesterlee
Molly Legg Whitney Post
Ben Watson Kevin Brown
Fred Daniels Aine DeSieghardt
Paul Moore