Gingerbread House Contest

Have fun making a Gingerbread House! 

Kids, families, . . .

Make a gingerbread house at your home and make it however you would like!  You may choose to use a packet; if you would like one, which includes homemade frosting, sign up by December 1, via the sign-up genius listed below.  Pick up the packet on December 11, at the Knox office.  One kit per family, please. 

Whether you make a gingerbread house with a packet or without, post your completed design on Facebook for the community contest.  Have fun! 

Sign up for the packet at the address below:

Anyone can participate in the contest with special prizes for the top three winners!



Latest News from IHN

The IHN Leadership Team has made the decision to house the guests at a motel now through January 31, 2021.  The decision was made to protect the volunteers from Covid; “Protecting our volunteers will always be our top priority.  YOU are IHN!  Your unconditional love, dedication and commitment to our mission is both admirable and inspirational!”  The quote is from Vicki Dercher, who is the executive director.

The Knox hosting dates of November 29—December 6 and January 24—31st have been removed from the calendar.  IHN has two guests presently and will freeze admissions until after January 31.


Thank you


On behalf of MOPS International I express heartfelt thanks for your commitment to provide MOPS in your community.  We value our partnership with you and pray for you.  We know this may be a difficult season but know you are making a difference and you are valued.
Blessings, Laurie


Dear Friends:

It’s so easy to be discouraged right now with all the bad news in the world.  But the truth is, there is hope in the lives of many people in need — because of YOU. During a time when many of us are isolated or distanced from our family, church or friends, we at Cross-Lines want you to feel connected to all of the good you are doing in the world.
Because of YOU: since the pandemic began in March, the Cross-Lines food pantry was able to serve more than TWICE as many people as we normally do.  Because of YOU, we were able to distribute more than 189,000 pounds of food between March and July.
Thanks to you, more than 14,000 people this year were able to put food on their family’s table during a time of struggle.  That is truly something to celebrate.  I hope that when you sit at your table tonight, you will feel good about that.
I hope you are safe and well and know that all of us at Cross-Lines appreciate and think about you every day.  You matter to us.  You make a difference.

With appreciation,

Susila Jones



Freestylin with Fred

Want to guess what my spiritual gift is?  Some of you will not be surprised to learn that it is exhortation or encouragement.  I discovered this years ago when I was a college student at KU.  Since the time of that revelation, I have tried to live my life utilizing this gift as the Holy Spirit gives me opportunities. 

Yesterday I read I Corinthians 12 in my quiet time with the Lord.  My encouragement to each of you is to take time to read this important chapter.  Why?

You will find warnings such as: don’t follow after dumb idols.  What are those idols in your life?   

Paul shares a list of different spiritual gifts that are given just as God wills.  He compares our human bodies to what the church is like.  He has placed each one of us in the church as He desires.  God wants Knox church to operate out of the gifts given to each of us.  You may be thinking – ‘So what?’   

Problems arise when we don’t use our gifts to bless others.  Sometimes we pout when our gifts and service don’t seem to receive much recognition.  God’s answer is “Bestow more honor on the members who seem to just work as kingdom servants for years.”  God wants no division in His church.  Remember the important reminder given in verse 26 – “And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.” 

Knox will never be the perfect church as God wants us to become.  Yet we can seek, to the best of our ability, to practice what the scriptures teach us.  The job for each of us is to become Spirit led Christians.  How great it is when each one of us does our part, role, and service within the body of Christ.  So let’s set our minds on the things above and God will show us a more excellent way.

 Fred Daniels


Pearls by Paul

Perhaps you had a teacher that helped you memorize something by setting it to music. Christian Education has often utilized the power of song as well. If you grew up attending worship services regularly, you likely have a catalogue of Christian music stored in your heart and mind. When I take my guitar into a facility and sing gospel music, it is not unusual for many of the residents to sing along, or even tear up with emotion. Often people who have memory issues are still able to recall the words to favorite songs, and this seems especially true of worship music.  

Of course, the tradition of faith songs goes way back, and we have many examples in the Biblical literature.  The superscription to many Psalms, for instance, indicate the words were for use as liturgical music. But my favorite example is the song of Mary which we find in Luke 1:46-55. This beautiful poem begins with the famous words, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…”  In her song of praise, Mary captures the very spirit of Christmas: joy which brings glory to God.  We all know Christmas will be a bit different this year, but we will not let the joy and peace of the season be taken from us. We will boldly sing, as Mary did, and rejoice in God, our Savior.




Gifts of Love


Contribute to God’s work by making financial donations. Knox has new options to give.
Go to for more information.

Online Giving   You can choose to contribute with a credit or debit card or your bank account information. You are in complete control and can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring payments. Currently at Knox, you can designate your donation to:

· Building Fund

· Celebration Choir

· Cross-Lines Toy Fund

· Emergency Assistance Fund

· General Fund

· Youth Mission Fund

 Text to Give  

Contribute by texting any amount to 913-285-8856 such as “20.” The first time you text a donation, you will be prompted with a one-time registration link that takes you to a web page to put in your name, address, email and card info (credit and debit cards are the only funding method, ACH from a bank account is not available with this method). This will create a record in Elexio Giving and save your payment method for future texts. All subsequent donations will simply be texting the amount to 913-285-8856. You will get a text confirmation that your donation was successful.

Thank you to all that have been sending your gifts to the church.  It is greatly appreciated.  For others who have not given, if you are able at this time and you are someone that drops your tithe and gifts in the offering plate on Sunday morning, please continue giving by mail or dropping it off at the church office.


Gifts of Love


Contribute to God’s work by making financial donations. Knox has new options to give.
Go to for more information.

Online Giving   You can choose to contribute with a credit or debit card or your bank account information. You are in complete control and can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring payments. Currently at Knox, you can designate your donation to:

· Building Fund

· Celebration Choir

· Cross-Lines Toy Fund

· Emergency Assistance Fund

· General Fund

· Youth Mission Fund

 Text to Give  

Contribute by texting any amount to 913-285-8856 such as “20.” The first time you text a donation, you will be prompted with a one-time registration link that takes you to a web page to put in your name, address, email and card info (credit and debit cards are the only funding method, ACH from a bank account is not available with this method). This will create a record in Elexio Giving and save your payment method for future texts. All subsequent donations will simply be texting the amount to 913-285-8856. You will get a text confirmation that your donation was successful.

Thank you to all that have been sending your gifts to the church.  It is greatly appreciated.  For others who have not given, if you are able at this time and you are someone that drops your tithe and gifts in the offering plate on Sunday morning, please continue giving by mail or dropping it off at the church office.


Thank You!

Dear Knox Presbyterian Church~
Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help and our IHN guests are no exception. We are so grateful to you and the dedicated members of Knox Presbyterian Church, especially during this COVID pandemic.

Please accept our heartfelt thanks for supporting our families the week of September 13. We know that providing this help requires a big commitment from your congregation. Please convey our gratitude to all involved and let them know their efforts make a difference to people who need a helping hand.

Sincere thanks, Vicki & Cheryl

Hello All,

Thanks so much for your continued support of these kids and families. We continue to distribute food weekly reaching more than 200 food insecure kids and families. We’ve tried to alternate between families every other week so that we are able to help more in need. The KCK school district has still not re-established a distribution system, so we will continue to work through the summer program group.

Because we need to focus primarily on food, we’ve begun purchasing some supplies from Harvesters to help the dollars go further. However, some of the items that work better for the homeless aren’t accessible there, so that is where we fill in the gaps with purchases or with donations of food. (Cereal, peanut butter, cheese & crackers, granola bars are great items for us to focus.) The one item besides food we are supplying is soap, which we can’t get at Harvesters, in an effort to slow the spread of the Covid virus. (Bar soap works the best.)

Thanks so much as you continue to help! Stay healthy!


(Above thank note was written October 5.)

Pearls by Paul

When I think about what I am thankful for, one thing that always comes to mind is the Christian faith I have grown to cherish.  I am thankful for my mom who took me to church and catechism classes. I am thankful for the church leaders and teachers who invested in me.  I am thankful for the seminary professors who taught me history, theology, and Biblical studies. I am thankful for various church families I have been a part of over the years.  In these families I have seen both good and bad times, and the church loved me through them all.  I am thankful that I was welcomed back home into the faith even after a time of wandering in the wilderness.  I am grateful for countless prayers spoken on my behalf.  I am thankful for the truth that "God created us all; He has no favorites..." (Job 34.19).  

I have been richly blessed in this life.  I have never gone hungry, and always had a roof over my head.  I have fathered three children who have grown into fine adults.  I have been educated by loving people who gave their lives in service to humankind.  Among these blessings I count my faith and the church which is the community of the faithful. My Christian education has brought me to the place in life when the essence any prayer I speak is the same sentiment we celebrate on Thanksgiving Day: Thank you!



Freestylin with Fred

Freestylin with Fred

One of the great passions of my heart is helping others grow daily to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.  It requires certain disciplines in our lives such as prayer, scripture reading, worship, fellowship, and mission involvement.  In this November newsletter, I want to share with you another discipline God is trying to teach me.  So together as committed Christians let us learn how we might become better at waiting and listening to the voice of God.  Together let us seek God in our hearts and we will not fail to find Him. 

To make prayer complete and enriching, we all need a significant dose of spiritual silence.  A warning by J. Gregory Mantle says, “Work is not food for the spirit any more than for the body.  Amidst a multitude of works the worker’s soul may wither; and his activities will prove this in due time.”  What does it mean to wait upon God?  Scripture insights help us understand the answer to waiting:  Psalm 62:1 says, ”My soul waits upon God”.  Isaiah 40:31 says, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength”.  

Waiting on the Lord is the silent surrendering of the soul to God.  Waiting is a time of silent love.  An elderly saint was asked how she spent her days.  She replied, “I always begin my day in prayer.  Then I take my Bible and read all I believe God wants to teach me.  After this, I sing hymns and praises to my awesome God.  Then I sit quietly and let God love”. 

I close with a quote from John Bisagno, “Waiting upon God requires our entire being.  It is not drifting into daydreaming, but is rather an exercise that demands our keenest attention, our most alert frame of mind and all of our soul’s attention to the Heavenly Voice.” 

Fred Daniels



From the Deacons

Update on Cross-lines
Christmas TOY Store Ministry

Our Knox Church family has been a big part of the Cross-lines Christmas store ministry for many years.  Your generosity and care in providing toys, books, games, and teen gifts is greatly appreciated!  Thanks to so many of you who  have invested time in serving others during the week the Christmas Store is open each December.  And we are so grateful for Tom and Julie Larsen and Bob and Carolyn Webber (and those who have served before them) who have dedicated so many hours and service each year! 

Because of the pandemic, the store will NOT operate as in past years.  Cross-lines is unable to staff the Christmas store this year because of increasing demands on the staff and lack of volunteers.  Despite extra help from major donors, the demand for providing assistance keeps increasing.  Further, everything that takes place at Cross-lines takes much longer due to Covid precautions.  

Cross-lines has a regular clientele of about 150 families with approximately 450 children who they plan to supply food and coats to this Christmas.  The Knox Deacons have voted to use our toy funds to provide $20 gift cards for each child, which will cost approximately $9,000.  Any monetary contributions by Knox members would be greatly appreciated.  Cross-lines staff will hand out the gift cards for the children when the families come at their assigned times for food and coats.   

Where do we go from here?  We are not purchasing any more toys or bikes this year.  An enormous thanks goes out to Greg Conway and Joan Cook for the work already done.  If you have purchased gifts, please keep them, or put them in the toy bin at church and we will add them to the inventory already stored at Cross-lines. 

It is a huge disappointment to not be able to serve as usual this year.  Please pray for wisdom for leaders making decisions, for the families affected, and that God will continue to bless this ministry as we seek to share His love with those in need.


Thank You Notes

Covenant Presbyterian Church

Dear Tim and friends at Knox Church, On behalf of the congregation of Covenant Presbyterian Church we would like to thank you for your significant contribution of $500.00 to our new air conditioning unit.  This unit cools the building where our food pantry is housed, so your gift is a double blessing.  We deeply appreciate your support of the ministry and mission of Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Your gift will be remembered each day when our building is cool, and our neighbors are fed.  We truly are grateful for your collegiality in ministry. 
We are deeply grateful; thank you for helping us to reach our goal!

Sincerely, Kirk P. Perucca, Minister


May kindness return to you in the same beautiful way that it was given.
Dear Pastor Tim and Knox friends,
Thank you so much for being a loyal and generous supporter of Cross-Lines.  Knox is truly a leader in helping the most vulnerable in our community and we really appreciate all you do! The need right now is greater than ever, and we are proud to partner with you and offer HOPE.
Warm regards, Kelley (Carpenter)

Nancy Jefferis

I can’t find enough words to say thank you.  Our friends at Knox have shown Bob and I so much love and support thru the Covid-19 lock-down this spring and then thru his passing in August.  I have felt your love and care.  Your cards, notes, calls and kind words helped me thru this difficult time. 
Thank you,  Nancy Jefferis


Cherith Brook

Friends at Knox,  Thank you for the generous gift to put towards the building project— we got your check, then started working on it the next day.  It has needed to be done for so long.  It will make all the difference to have it shored up.  Thank you for supporting our small efforts of welcome and peace here at Cherith Brook.  One piece of that, is  having a beautiful safe space for our friends to come to.

Peace & blessings, Jodi for all @ Cherith Brook


Helping the Kansas City, Kansas, Kids in Need
Hello All,
Thanks so much for your continued support of these kids and families!
 I'm sorry to be slow emailing you this month, but I'd hoped to provide an update on the school district being ready for distribution.  However, even though school has started (remote learning) they are not set up to distribute to their homeless youth yet.  School supplies were provided for all students, so they did receive those. I'm still hoping the school district will be able to distribute this fall, but we'll have to wait and see. Therefore, we will continue working through our summer program folks.  I took another load over there this morning as we continue to distribute food weekly to more than 200 kids and families. Last week we also provided toothbrushes and toothpaste, to every person picking up food. (Like soap; this helps to slow the spread of COVID-19.) We've also provided some deodorant, dental floss, and more soap. Soap is obviously a constant need.  So for now, our focus will be food and personal hygiene items.  

Thanks again for your willingness to help!

rice, pasta, peanut butter, cheese & crackers, canned meat with pop tops, granola bars, beef jerky, slim jim's, and the new item on the list is cereal

Personal hygiene items:
soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, and deodorant.





Freestylin with Fred

How do you handle special opportunities which God gives you in life?  Some of us likely get anxious or even fearful that we may mess up the gift that God gives us to share with others.  How do we change these fears into confidence?  Let me share from my own experiences what I am learning about trust.  Some of you already know that I begin every day with prayer; lifting my life up to the Lord Jesus that He might use it for His plans and purpose.  Often, I actually lift my hands towards heaven as my offering of a daily sacrifice acceptable to God.  Why? 

As I have come to see God’s faithfulness to the prayers lifted up to Him, then I find myself desiring to “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17).  I pray with others at the gym, grocery stores, ball fields, over the phone, in our neighborhood, etc.  Why has my attitude towards prayer grown and matured through the years?  I now make knowing the God of the Scriptures not only something I do each day, but something I look forward to sharing.   

Pray for me as I have the opportunity to preach and teach about the power of prayer to our Knox community on October 10th and 11th.  Pray specifically that I am guided by the Holy Spirit to bring all of us to a greater understanding of adoration for our gracious God. 

Fred Daniels


Pearls by Paul

“Slow down, you move too fast, you got to make the morning last” is the memorable opening to Paul Simon’s “59th Street Bridge Song”.  Good advice for how to enjoy this life.  A similar sentiment is portrayed in the adage: stop and smell the roses! 

Slowing down is a good idea to apply to Christian growth as well. 
When I rededicated my life to Christ as a young adult, I devoured the New Testament.  I was able to recall verses and their address in the pages of the Bible.  But could I apply the teaching to my life?
Certainly not! Application requires experiences and opportunities, both to fail and succeed. The point is, there is no short cut to growing in faith, and we should not be in a hurry. 

Slowing down when we read the scriptures is a great practice.  Taking in a few verses and pondering the meaning.  Another is slow, thoughtful prayer.  I like writing in a journal for my morning prayers. It takes more time but is worth the effort to have a quality prayer encounter.

Being in a hurry causes anxiety and keeps us from noticing things we need to see.  I am going to work on slowing down my Christian education so that I am not full of knowledge, but hopefully will grow in wisdom.
I invite you to join me on this journey.  

Yours Joyfully,


Meet Jonathan Stoots. . .

. . . the Worship Arts Director at Knox

Jonathan grew up in Roanoke, Virginia, for most of his life with his mom, dad, and younger sister.  His mom owns a massage therapy practice and his dad is a telecommunications engineer for Verizon.  

When asked certain questions, this is what Jonathan shared about his life. 

“I grew up in the church and had a heavy interest in theater for most of my youth. I was involved in dozens of shows ranging from school and community theater to professional productions from the time I was seven until the time I graduated high school.  

Theater was where I first noticed my love of music. From that love of music came the desire to learn an instrument so I joined band in middle school and picked up the French Horn. Throughout middle and high school, I was heavily involved in both theater and band and decided to major in theater in college.  

However, my love for theater was fading and by the end of my freshman year in college, I switched my major to music business and eventually studied orchestral conducting at the graduate level.  As stated previously, I grew up in the church, but I really started exploring my faith in college. I joined the Baptist Collegiate Ministry at my undergrad, Radford University, and Cru at my graduate school, Syracuse University. I became a worship leader for both organizations and really grew into my faith understanding the depth of God’s grace, mercy, compassion, justice, and love for not only me but all of us. It was through these organizations that I became the man of faith I am today.  

Besides music, I like to go on hikes/walks, watch various different sports (football is my favorite), play sports recreationally (I’m not that great but I have fun), and cook.  

What I would like to accomplish at Knox is to help people experience the glory of God through worship. Worship is more than singing a few songs that you know. It’s about praising God for who He is and what He has done. He deserves all of our praise. When we come to Him with a spirit of humbleness and thankfulness, we can begin to experience His glory. So next time you sing a song at worship, think about the words you’re singing. Feel the weight behind them. You just may experience God in a way that you never have before.” 

Jonathan, we are thankful and blessed to have you on staff and part of the Knox family!

 Update your directory with Jonathan’s information.

11738 Garnett Street
Overland Park, KS  66210

Phone number:  540 797-7689


Cherith Brook

Cherith Brook needs volunteers to partner in the work —

Þ Volunteer for morning hospitality on Mondays & Thursdays, 8:00am-11:30am

Þ Do laundry on Monday or Tuesday afternoons

Þ Join the breakfast cooking crew Wednesday from 1-3pm or on your own time

Þ Join the Thursday dinner cooking rotation

Þ Food pickup and sorting on Monday, Wednesday or Saturday

Þ Clean and organize the pantry and fridges

Cherith Brook needs hospitality donations —

Þ Small jeans; men’s, 28-34 and women’s, 0-4

Þ Small men’s and women’s underwear

Þ T-shirts

Þ Socks

Þ Razors

Þ Back packs

Þ African American hair products

Þ Paper plates, coffee cups & napkins — NO Styrofoam
(There are companies that make great compostables at a reasonable price.)

Þ Salt & Pepper

If you can help by donating or volunteering, contact Cherith Brook at 816-241-8047 or   Cherith Brook drop off is Monday—Thursday, 1pm to 4pm.
Hospitality donations can be placed in the Cherith Brook bin in the main hallway at Knox.