Thank you Notes



Please accept our deepest thanks for your most recent donation in the amount of $2,500.00.
With your faithful financial contributions, as well as the many years you have hosted our guest families overnight, you’ve demonstrated your commitment to our work here at IHN of providing shelter and empowering homeless families and single females in our community.  There is no way to fully express our gratitude for your loyalty. We at IHN are continually inspired by the dedication and generosity of donors like you who answer the call to give again and again.

Simply put, if it wasn’t for faithful supporters like you, we wouldn’t exist.  So thank you for providing the funds and the overnight facilities that we need to make a difference in the lives of the homeless right here in our own community.

We are deeply grateful for your support and hope that you will continue to partner with us in our mission to improve the lives of the homeless.  Thank you for your donation.

Sincerely, Vicki Dercher


Dear Friends:

It’s so easy to be discouraged right now with all the bad news in the world.  But the truth is, there is hope in the lives of many people in need — because of YOU.

During a time when many of us are isolated or distanced from our family, church or friends, we at Cross-Lines want you to feel connected to all of the good you are doing in the world.

Because of YOU: since the pandemic began in March, the Cross-Lines food pantry was able to serve more than TWICE as many people as we normally do.  Because of YOU, we were able to distribute more than 189,000 pounds of food between March and July.

Thanks to you, more than 14,000 people this year were able to put food on their family’s table during a time of struggle.  That is truly something to celebrate.  I hope that when you sit at your table tonight, you will feel good about that.

I hope you are safe and well and know that all of us at Cross-Lines appreciate and think about you every day.  You matter to us.  You make a difference.

With appreciation, Susila Jones


Remember our Friends


Send a card, or whatever is appropriate to let these people know that you are thinking of them.
Make a personal commitment to lift them up in prayer. 

September 6           Jeanne Chaple

September 13         Jay & Ruth DeGroot

September 20         Charlene Gardner

September 27         Lilah Gillett







Cherith Brook

Cherith Brook needs volunteers to partner in the work —

Þ Volunteer for morning hospitality on Mondays & Thursdays, 8:00am-11:30am

Þ Do laundry on Monday or Tuesday afternoons

Þ Join the breakfast cooking crew Wednesday from 1-3pm or on your own time

Þ Join the Thursday dinner cooking rotation

Þ Food pickup and sorting on Monday, Wednesday or Saturday

Þ Clean and organize the pantry and fridges

Cherith Brook needs hospitality donations —

Þ Small jeans; men’s, 28-34 and women’s, 0-4

Þ Small men’s and women’s underwear

Þ T-shirts

Þ Socks

Þ Razors

Þ Back packs

Þ African American hair products

Þ Paper plates, coffee cups & napkins — NO Styrofoam

(There are companies making great compostables at a reasonable price.)

Þ Salt & Pepper

If you can help by donating or volunteering, contact Cherith Brook at 816-241-8047 or  
Cherith Brook drop off is Monday—Thursday, 1pm to 4pm.
Hospitality donations can be placed in the Cherith Brook bin in the main hallway at Knox.


Freestylin with Fred

It happened at the end of a recent Outreach meeting.  Our subject for discussion was “marketing at Knox church”.  We are trying to see how we can do a better job getting the message out to our ‘target audiences’ about ministry and mission opportunities.  At the end of the meeting, I was asked to close in prayer.  So I asked Jesus to guide the Outreach group as we work to expand our marketing strategy at Knox.  Then I prayed “ Lord, help each one of us to share the love of Jesus Christ with someone who is hurting and needs to hear the good news of the gospel.” 

I realized after praying this prayer that the words were significant to who I am and my desire to build bold disciples.  Marketing our brand and getting the word out through signs, web sites, Facebook, and other technology is okay.  But it is no substitute for sharing Christ face to face with those people He places in our lives.  I believe every day we have opportunities to make Christ known by our actions, words, and attitudes we display.   

My calling to serve at Knox is to demonstrate how Jesus can be shared in regular life circumstances.  Are you learning anything valuable from me?  If not, then I need to seek more ways to help Knox become known for gospel proclamation.  Therefore, this fall I will offer a class that will focus on how to give away our faith.  The class will begin Sunday, September 20.


Pearls by Paul  

You can't judge a book by looking at the cover, nor can you judge a person by their name or face. It follows that you cannot judge a practice by its name. I am thinking of the practice of Christian Education. I have to admit, it doesn't sound like the most exciting choice of activities.  Vague images of books, classrooms, curriculum, and teachers come to mind. Like school, only in church. Meh.  The book of Acts includes great adventures: travel, shipwreck, illness, miracles, revivals, Holy Ghost jailbreaks. Not once do I recall reading the phrase "Christian Education" in the story of the early church. So, have we gone terribly wrong somewhere? 

Thankfully, no. We do read in the gospels about the teaching and learning encounter that Jesus invites us into. Through parables, sermons, and His actions, Jesus teaches and invites us to have ears to hear good news. And in the book of Acts, we read how the early followers of the Way gathered daily to hear the teaching of the Apostles. So the teaching and learning encounter is fundamental to our faith. The disciples of Jesus are His students, He is the teacher of the Kingdom of God. Now we are talking about something relevant, real, and transforming. We encounter the living God in the practice of Christian Education, and God offers us an abundant life if we will take on the role of disciple. 

Would it be nice to have a catchier name than "Christian Education"? Yes, I suppose it would. "Bible study" may not be a phrase that gets people excited about leaving the comfort of home. But if we enter into the process, if we practice, if we accept the invitation to involve ourselves in the teaching and learning encounter with God, then it can get life changing real quick. Let us practice teaching and learning together, as we seek the truly exciting things God wants to do in our lives. 




Thank You Notes

Heart to Heart

Dear Tim,
Thank you for another very generous gift! ($1,000.00) 

Thanks to the membership at Knox Presbyterian, Heart to Heart continuous to distribute PPE and hygiene supplies to organizations in need in the Kansas City Metro and across the United States.  Our mobile medical unit and volunteers are providing direct patient care at the Hope Faith Campus in KCMO and we plan to stay there at least through the end of this year.

We are so very grateful for your continued support.
Thank you,



Rose Brooks

Breaking the cycle of domestic violence.

Thank you for helping break the cycle of domestic violence and being a part of this work  We are honored by your gift of $750.00.  Because of you, lives are changed.
At Rose Brooks Center, we are acutely aware of the added challenges victims of domestic violence face right now due to isolation and social distancing.  Your kindness today will help ensure 24/7 care is still available and we thank you for being a part of our community of support during these unusual times.  We are incredibly grateful.
Rose Brooks is here for thousands of adults, children, and their pets each year.  They have often experienced unspeakable adversity at the hands of loved ones.  Yet through safety, support, counseling, advocacy and economic empowerment, they are able to rise above their pain, find hope and build new lives for themselves and their family.
Again, thank you for your life-changing gift.

Sincerely, Susan K. Miller


Dear Friends,

Thank you for investing in the lives of the most vulnerable people in our community through your donation to Cross-Lines!  ($1,700)
We know that you are likely facing a great deal of uncertainty in your life right now, but we want to assure you that your generous contribution will guarantee that a family in need doesn’t have to worry about where their next meal will come from — and that is something to celebrate!
During this difficult time, our team at Cross-Lines is working tirelessly to make sure that we can continue to provide essential services to our clients.  We are determined to keep our doors open and continue providing food, toiletries, and hot showers to those that need it most.  Together with your help, we can make it through this tough time and serve our wonderful community for years to come.
Once this crisis is over, I welcome the chance to give you a tour of our campus so you can see all the wonderful things your gift makes possible.  Please follow us on Facebook and check out our website for the latest Cross-Lines news and updates.
Thank you so much for your kindness!

With appreciation, Susila Jones


Hello All:

Thanks so much for your generosity!  We now have enough snacks to care for all of the kids picking up the two prepared meals until August 6.  Unfortunately, some of the staff preparing the meals have been diagnosed with COVID, so the prepared meals had to stop the week of July 6, but were able to resume again July 13.
The separate program of food boxes going out to families will continue going out each week.  As a combined group of caring individuals, we are serving 220 families (all with kids) who are food insecure in the KCK area.
We continue to get mixed messages about the start of school.  So, until we know more, we will continue to focus on getting food to the families.

Thanks so much for your continued support of these kids!


From the Deacons

The Deacons appreciate your faithful giving to the Cross-Lines Christmas Toy Store throughout the year.  This year has been different than any other, and contributions are down from previous years.  We do not yet know what the plans are for the Christmas Store.  However, we are still collecting toys, books, games, and teen items in preparation for giving to families in need.  Please consider making a purchase for this project.  Monetary contributions are always welcome and we will shop for you.
God bless you for your generosity!


Hospital Visitation

for August

August 2             Kathleen McCullough & Virginia McKnight

August 9              Janet Huddleston & Lloyd Navratil 

August 16            Christie Brooks & Tom Larsen 

August 23            Greg Conway

August 30            Janet Huddleston



Remember Our Friends

Send a card, or whatever is appropriate to let these people
know that you are thinking of them. 
Make a personal commitment to lift them in prayer.
August 2            Winona Wedeman

August 9              Kathy Andrews

August 16           Susan Bellis

August 23           Helen Bowen

August 30          Vera Butler


Freestylin with Fred

By Fred Daniels, Director of Evangelism & Discipleship

I found this wonderful quote from Martin Luther that I want to share with our Knox family. 
“He who merely studies the commandments of God is not greatly moved.  But he who listens to God commanding , but how can he fail to be terrified by majesty so great?”
Lately, my life has been about pursuing a listening posture before the God of heaven and earth.  My confession to you all is – I am all about wanting to fix things; in my own life and the lives of others.  That is not a horrible ambition to have in life.  But when I fail to first listen to the Lord’s voice, then I am in danger of getting credit for being the savior of others.  Remember the old hymn – To God Be the Glory?  It says,

 To God be the glory, great things He has done!
So love He the world that He gave us His Son.
Who yielded His life an atonement for sin,
and opened the lifegate that all may go in. 

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, 
let the earth hear His voice! 
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,  
let the people rejoice! 
O come to the Father through Jesus the Son,
and give Him the glory, great things He has done! 

So who should get the credit when great things are accomplished in the Kingdom of God? 
Let His voice be the first one we listen to as trials or opportunities come our way.


Is Christianity Taught or Caught?

By Paul Grant, Christian Ed Director

Is Christianity taught or caught? Both, actually. We teach through sermons, Bible studies, books, catechisms, and classes. We use words to articulate our faith.  But the faith is also caught. By that I mean that we learn about our faith and how to live as Jesus followers in various ways that are not part of the formal teaching/learning encounter. For example, we may be blessed with a mentor who models the faith in their life, and we catch on by watching them.  Or the Spirit may be working in our life and we discern that “still small voice” in our hearts.  We catch on by listening to God directly.  Or we may experience the joy and peace of life in a community of faith. We feel the power of God building a community in which we are included, and we catch the faith by participating.  It is likely we need to pay more attention to catching the Christian faith. After all, most of us struggle to remember the teachings. Words have a way of eluding us as time passes. Yet experiences seem to transform us and have staying power. Christian Education needs to include practices and experiences that position us to encounter God. Mere words will not be enough to sustain us on the journey. Jesus taught, but he also healed, fed, and poured out his life so that we might catch the truth He offers. 
Yours Joyfully,



Gifts of Love


Contribute to God’s work by making financial donations. Knox has new options to give.
Go to for more information.

Online Giving   You can choose to contribute with a credit or debit card or your bank account information. You are in complete control and can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring payments. Currently at Knox, you can designate your donation to:

· Building Fund

· Celebration Choir

· Cross-Lines Toy Fund

· Emergency Assistance Fund

· General Fund

· Youth Mission Fund

 Text to Give  

Contribute by texting any amount to 913-285-8856 such as “20.” The first time you text a donation, you will be prompted with a one-time registration link that takes you to a web page to put in your name, address, email and card info (credit and debit cards are the only funding method, ACH from a bank account is not available with this method). This will create a record in Elexio Giving and save your payment method for future texts. All subsequent donations will simply be texting the amount to 913-285-8856. You will get a text confirmation that your donation was successful.

Thank you to all that have been sending your gifts to the church.  It is greatly appreciated.  For others who have not given, if you are able at this time and you are someone that drops your tithe and gifts in the offering plate on Sunday morning, please continue giving by mail or dropping it off at the church office.



July Adult Spiritual Growth Classes

Sundays via zooming

Present Word 10:05am

Many Faces of Wisdom
Wisdom in the Gospels
July 5
        Wisdom’s Vindication
July 12      The Boy Jesus
July 19
      The Wisdom of Jesus
July 26
   Wisdom: The Way, the Truth, and the Life
Contact Joe Wilson for the more information on connecting to the class,  913 302-2372

Unpacking the Message 10:00am

Paul Grant invites you to participate in discussing Pastor Tim’s message.
What did we hear?  How can we apply this to your lives? 
What is God calling us to do?  Grow deeper in God’s Word together.

Contact Paul for more information,

Wired Word 10:00am

Looking at a current event from a Biblical view point
(a different topic each week)
If you have questions, contact Lynne Dykstra, 913 302-1191.

HEBREWS 10:15am

Studying the Scriptures  
For more information, contact Fred Daniels,






Freestylin with Fred

Father’s Day was a sweet eye opener for me – I have reached a new stage as a father.  What am I talking about?  My daughter got me just what I wanted; a push broom for the garage.  My wife also bought me what I needed; new windshield wipers for my car.  My new stage in life is where I receive very practical gifts for things currently needed. 

The reason I am bringing up Father’s Day is because it is something I share in common with many of the men at Knox.  Recently in my Sunday Hebrews class, we were studying about consequences that we pay when our behavior is not paying honor to God.  As fellow Christians, we sometimes act as if our Lord doesn’t care about sinful and repeated behavior.  Oh, YES, He does!  The church is responsible for being ambassadors of what a Christ-like life really is about.  Scripture guides us into the knowledge of holiness and how each of us can make a Kingdom difference in the hearts of lost people.   

On the fourth of July we focus on the freedom that Americans enjoy.  As I seek to be a good father to my two kids (Noah and Chloe), I remind them often that they can freely choose each day to spend time with Jesus in scripture and prayer.  They are now old enough to make those decisions on their own.  But it does not mean that parents should give up spiritual encouragement to our kids and grandchildren.  Let’s make it a priority to ask them what they are learning about God and His Son, Jesus.

—Fred Daniels, Director of Evangelism & Discipleship



Catch up on what is happening - by Paul

Dear Friends:
Christian education is happening in the Knox family!  

· Second through fourth graders are meeting online for Sunday school.

· Fifth and sixth graders are meeting online for Sunday school.

· Adult Sunday School and small groups are meeting online.

· Knox Family Time is for all! Find us online Thursday evenings at 6pm.

· Unpacking the Message meets at church and online Sundays, right after early worship.

· Youth and leaders are in a process of discernment for future direction of youth ministry. 
  Please join in prayer!

· Small groups of  junior and senior high students are beginning to meet in person.

· The large youth group meeting is online every Sunday evening at 6:45pm.

Despite beginning my time as Director of Education during a global pandemic, we are still finding ways to reach, teach, care, equip, and send. 

I believe the most effective foundation for ministry is prayer.  I am seeking others to join me each Sunday morning at 8:15 in the Annex. Social distancing will be practiced.  There is much to pray about!  Christian education begins in prayer, not in the classroom.  I especially invite you to join me in praying for discernment regarding how and when we open up our ministry to children.  In the meantime if you have kids, I would like you to join me for Knox Family Time.
Yours Joyfully,
Paul Grant