Pearls by Paul

“Slow down, you move too fast, you got to make the morning last” is the memorable opening to Paul Simon’s “59th Street Bridge Song”.  Good advice for how to enjoy this life.  A similar sentiment is portrayed in the adage: stop and smell the roses! 

Slowing down is a good idea to apply to Christian growth as well. 
When I rededicated my life to Christ as a young adult, I devoured the New Testament.  I was able to recall verses and their address in the pages of the Bible.  But could I apply the teaching to my life?
Certainly not! Application requires experiences and opportunities, both to fail and succeed. The point is, there is no short cut to growing in faith, and we should not be in a hurry. 

Slowing down when we read the scriptures is a great practice.  Taking in a few verses and pondering the meaning.  Another is slow, thoughtful prayer.  I like writing in a journal for my morning prayers. It takes more time but is worth the effort to have a quality prayer encounter.

Being in a hurry causes anxiety and keeps us from noticing things we need to see.  I am going to work on slowing down my Christian education so that I am not full of knowledge, but hopefully will grow in wisdom.
I invite you to join me on this journey.  

Yours Joyfully,