Thank You Notes

Covenant Presbyterian Church

Dear Tim and friends at Knox Church, On behalf of the congregation of Covenant Presbyterian Church we would like to thank you for your significant contribution of $500.00 to our new air conditioning unit.  This unit cools the building where our food pantry is housed, so your gift is a double blessing.  We deeply appreciate your support of the ministry and mission of Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Your gift will be remembered each day when our building is cool, and our neighbors are fed.  We truly are grateful for your collegiality in ministry. 
We are deeply grateful; thank you for helping us to reach our goal!

Sincerely, Kirk P. Perucca, Minister


May kindness return to you in the same beautiful way that it was given.
Dear Pastor Tim and Knox friends,
Thank you so much for being a loyal and generous supporter of Cross-Lines.  Knox is truly a leader in helping the most vulnerable in our community and we really appreciate all you do! The need right now is greater than ever, and we are proud to partner with you and offer HOPE.
Warm regards, Kelley (Carpenter)

Nancy Jefferis

I can’t find enough words to say thank you.  Our friends at Knox have shown Bob and I so much love and support thru the Covid-19 lock-down this spring and then thru his passing in August.  I have felt your love and care.  Your cards, notes, calls and kind words helped me thru this difficult time. 
Thank you,  Nancy Jefferis


Cherith Brook

Friends at Knox,  Thank you for the generous gift to put towards the building project— we got your check, then started working on it the next day.  It has needed to be done for so long.  It will make all the difference to have it shored up.  Thank you for supporting our small efforts of welcome and peace here at Cherith Brook.  One piece of that, is  having a beautiful safe space for our friends to come to.

Peace & blessings, Jodi for all @ Cherith Brook


Helping the Kansas City, Kansas, Kids in Need
Hello All,
Thanks so much for your continued support of these kids and families!
 I'm sorry to be slow emailing you this month, but I'd hoped to provide an update on the school district being ready for distribution.  However, even though school has started (remote learning) they are not set up to distribute to their homeless youth yet.  School supplies were provided for all students, so they did receive those. I'm still hoping the school district will be able to distribute this fall, but we'll have to wait and see. Therefore, we will continue working through our summer program folks.  I took another load over there this morning as we continue to distribute food weekly to more than 200 kids and families. Last week we also provided toothbrushes and toothpaste, to every person picking up food. (Like soap; this helps to slow the spread of COVID-19.) We've also provided some deodorant, dental floss, and more soap. Soap is obviously a constant need.  So for now, our focus will be food and personal hygiene items.  

Thanks again for your willingness to help!

rice, pasta, peanut butter, cheese & crackers, canned meat with pop tops, granola bars, beef jerky, slim jim's, and the new item on the list is cereal

Personal hygiene items:
soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, and deodorant.