Is Christianity Taught or Caught?

By Paul Grant, Christian Ed Director

Is Christianity taught or caught? Both, actually. We teach through sermons, Bible studies, books, catechisms, and classes. We use words to articulate our faith.  But the faith is also caught. By that I mean that we learn about our faith and how to live as Jesus followers in various ways that are not part of the formal teaching/learning encounter. For example, we may be blessed with a mentor who models the faith in their life, and we catch on by watching them.  Or the Spirit may be working in our life and we discern that “still small voice” in our hearts.  We catch on by listening to God directly.  Or we may experience the joy and peace of life in a community of faith. We feel the power of God building a community in which we are included, and we catch the faith by participating.  It is likely we need to pay more attention to catching the Christian faith. After all, most of us struggle to remember the teachings. Words have a way of eluding us as time passes. Yet experiences seem to transform us and have staying power. Christian Education needs to include practices and experiences that position us to encounter God. Mere words will not be enough to sustain us on the journey. Jesus taught, but he also healed, fed, and poured out his life so that we might catch the truth He offers. 
Yours Joyfully,
