You can't judge a book by looking at the cover, nor can you judge a person by their name or face. It follows that you cannot judge a practice by its name. I am thinking of the practice of Christian Education. I have to admit, it doesn't sound like the most exciting choice of activities. Vague images of books, classrooms, curriculum, and teachers come to mind. Like school, only in church. Meh. The book of Acts includes great adventures: travel, shipwreck, illness, miracles, revivals, Holy Ghost jailbreaks. Not once do I recall reading the phrase "Christian Education" in the story of the early church. So, have we gone terribly wrong somewhere?
Thankfully, no. We do read in the gospels about the teaching and learning encounter that Jesus invites us into. Through parables, sermons, and His actions, Jesus teaches and invites us to have ears to hear good news. And in the book of Acts, we read how the early followers of the Way gathered daily to hear the teaching of the Apostles. So the teaching and learning encounter is fundamental to our faith. The disciples of Jesus are His students, He is the teacher of the Kingdom of God. Now we are talking about something relevant, real, and transforming. We encounter the living God in the practice of Christian Education, and God offers us an abundant life if we will take on the role of disciple.
Would it be nice to have a catchier name than "Christian Education"? Yes, I suppose it would. "Bible study" may not be a phrase that gets people excited about leaving the comfort of home. But if we enter into the process, if we practice, if we accept the invitation to involve ourselves in the teaching and learning encounter with God, then it can get life changing real quick. Let us practice teaching and learning together, as we seek the truly exciting things God wants to do in our lives.