Gifts of Love

Gifts of Love


Contribute to God’s work by making financial donations. Knox has new options to give.
Go to for more information.

Online Giving   You can choose to contribute with a credit or debit card or your bank account information. You are in complete control and can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring payments. Currently at Knox, you can designate your donation to:

· Building Fund

· Celebration Choir

· Cross-Lines Toy Fund

· Emergency Assistance Fund

· General Fund

· Per Capita

· Youth Mission Fund

 Text to Give  

Contribute by texting any amount to 913-285-8856 such as “20.” The first time you text a donation, you will be prompted with a one-time registration link that takes you to a web page to put in your name, address, email and card info (credit and debit cards are the only funding method, ACH from a bank account is not available with this method). This will create a record in Elexio Giving and save your payment method for future texts. All subsequent donations will simply be texting the amount to 913-285-8856. You will get a text confirmation that your donation was successful.

Thank you to all that have been sending your gifts to the church.  It is greatly appreciated.  For others who have not given, if you are able at this time and you are someone that drops your tithe and gifts in the offering plate on Sunday morning, please continue giving by mail or dropping it off at the church office.


Remembering Our Friends


Send a card, or whatever is appropriate to let these people know that you are thinking of them.  Make a personal commitment to lift them in prayer.

November 7         Gerry Ray

November 14       Gayle Ross

November 21       Jean Saunders

November 28       Dolores Simonie


November 7       Christie Brooks             

November 14      Kieli Gebremeskel & Sandy Hoyt              

November 21      Alan Smith & Virginia McKnight 

November 28      Debbie Schluben & Tom Larsen







The Hass Ministry Update

Compelled by Christ’s Love

In one of the final weeks of the fall semester in 2019, Stephen was on campus sharing the gospel with students at the Union.  He met a student named Tyler who came from a Mormon background.  Stephen shared the gospel with him and got his contact information then left for a month long winter break.  In February 2020, Tyler and Stephen met up again and Tyler, compelled by the love of Christ, decided to give his life to Him.  A month later, the pandemic hit and Tyler went back home to Washington.
Tyler and Stephen kept in touch throughout the stay-at-home orders and into the fall semester of 2020 until Tyler moved back home again for the remainder of the school year, after all his classes moved to an online format.  Now, in fall 2021 Tyler is back in Lawrence and jumping back into our Navigator community.  Our NavNight topics this fall have centered around the worthiness of Christ and have caused Tyler to examine areas of his life, with a desire to live and approach school and relationships with others in a way that brings honor to God.  Earlier this month, our fall conference speaker focused on Christ’s love compelling us.  Hearing the challenge to be compelled by Christ’s love (2 Corinthians 5:14), Tyler is now beginning to look to his family with a heart for their lives to be changed by the love of Christ the same way his has been changed.  “My brother has had a difficult time with religion in the past, but I want him to know that it’s not his works that save him but Christ’s works for him.”
Tyler, along with other students in our ministry, continue to be in the midst of contemplating what it means for their lives and others to be compelled by Christ’s love and not compelled by what the world has to offer.  Would you pray for Tyler, his brother, and our students that they would be compelled by Christ’s love in all they do?


—Pray for disciples, strengthened by the grace of Jesus, who would make disciples of Jesus who would make disciples also.  (2 Timothy 2:1-2)

—Faith for us to believe God uses least ones to do mighty things for His Kingdom.  We are asking that God would work in mighty ways through students at KU and help them believe He desires to work through their lives in mighty ways.  (Isaiah 60:22)

—That God would use our labor here at KU not only to bless generations of students at KU but that He would be doing a work that would bless the city of Lawrence, our country, and the nations.  (Isaiah 49:6)


Heading into our fifth year serving with The Navigators at KU we know that it wouldn’t be possible without the prayers and financial support from you.  Thank you for your partnership in what God is doing among students on campus.


Thank You Notes from our Friends

Heart to Heart International

Thank you for your generous donation in support of Heart to Heart International’s mission to improve healthcare access.
The devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of healthcare access for people across the United States and around the world.  Thanks to you, we continue to improve access to healthcare after disasters and all year round.  Together, we are working toward a vision of a world in which every person has access to a healthy life and every community has the capacity to make that access a reality.
I wanted to extend to you my heartfelt gratitude for your support of our organization. 
I encourage you to stay connected with us.  Read stories on our website (, follow us on social media or come visit us at our headquarters.
On behalf of those we serve, thank you for making Heart to Heart International your connection to a world in need.

With gratitude,
Kim Carroll


Please accept our deepest thanks for your most recent donation in the amount of $1,500.00.
With your faithful financial contributions, as well as the many years you have hosted our guest families overnight, you’ve demonstrated your commitment to our work here at IHN of providing shelter and empowering homeless families and single females in our community.  There is no way to fully express our gratitude for your loyalty.  We at IHN are continually inspired by the dedication and generosity of donors like you who answer the call to give again and again.
Simply put, if it wasn’t for faithful supporters like you, we wouldn’t exist.  So thank you for providing the funds and the overnight facilities that we need to make a difference in the lives of the homeless right here in our own community.
We are deeply grateful for your support and hope that you will continue to partner with us in our mission to improve the lives of the homeless.  Thank you for your donation.

Vicki L. Dercher

Rose Brooks

Thank you for helping break the cycle of domestic violence and being a part of this work.  We are honored by your gift of $500.00.  Because of you, lives are changed.
At Rose Brooks Center, we are acutely aware of the added challenges victims of domestic violence face right now due to isolation and social distancing.  Your kindness today will help ensure 24/7 care is still available and we thank you for being a part of our community of support during these unusual times.  We are incredibly grateful.
Rose Brooks is here for thousands of adults, children, and their pets each year.  They have often experienced unspeakable adversity at the hands of loved ones.  Yet through safety, support, counseling, advocacy and economic empowerment, they are able to rise above their pain, find hope and build new lives for themselves and their family.
Again, thank you for your life-changing gift.

Lisa Fleming




Thanksgiving Service

Thanksgiving Service, November 23, 7pm

Martin Rinkart, a German Lutheran minister, wrote the hymn “Now Thank We All Our God” in 1636.  At the time, the Thirty Years’ War was ravaging central Europe, claiming millions of lives.  Rinkart served as pastor in Eilenburg, a walled town that became a crowded refuge for starving fugitives.  Although Rinkart was struggling to provide for his own family, he opened his own home to people in need. 

After the plague entered Eilenburg, Rinkart conducted up to 50 funerals a day — including services for his wife and the only other two pastors in town.  Amid the despair, he wrote many hymns, including “Now Thank We All Our God.”  Originally intended as a table prayer, it’s now sung at Thanksgiving to remember God’s “countless gifts of love” — even during hardships. 

Words to the third verse of “Now Thank We All Our God” by Martin Rinkart.

All praise and thanks to God, Who reigns in highest heaven,
To Father and to Son And Spirit now be given.
The one eternal God, Whom heaven and earth adore,
The God who was, and is, And shall be evermore.

The words to this song are found on page 555 in the Presbyterian Hymnal.  Not only can the song be sung, but it can be used as a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving to our Lord.  


Freestylin with Fred

Caring is not Optional    
( I Timothy 6:17-19)

God’s Word has great instructions for those who believe in them and seek to practice what they tell us on a daily basis.  Paul was Timothy’s mentor and gave much of his wisdom to this ‘Son in the faith’.  He often told Timothy to pass along the things from God that were true and honorable.  For example --- to the rich he told them, ‘don’t be conceited nor fix their attention on the uncertainty of wealth’.  Material things are what Jesus reminded us that ‘moth and rust’ destroy them.  Focus instead on what God provides for us to enjoy!  Paul goes on to tell Timothy to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.  Caring is mandatory for all Christians who call themselves disciples of Jesus.  I would say to every Christ follower --- ‘Every believer is a minister of the gospel’.  What things can we share with others, regardless of our age or even health?

1. Prayer for and with others

2. Scripture intended to bring light and hope

3. Personal visits of love

4. Phone calls – that bring a little joy

5. Share pictures – reminders of friendship

6. A lunch or a treat

Who have you reached out to recently offering a caring touch from God?  We should all want Knox to be described as a caring community that reaches out to others in the ways that bring reverence to Christ our Lord.

—Fred Daniels, Director of Evangelism & Discipleship



Meet the New Staff

Amy Oleson

Please welcome Amy Oleson as our Social Media Marketing and Communications Associate. She is passionate about supporting the ministries with creative communication. What excites her most is being a part of someone's journey to Jesus.

Amy has been a member of Knox since 2013. She lives in Overland Park with her husband, two children and their dog, Scooby Doo. Amy has a heart for helping people feel valued and loved. In her spare time, she enjoys being a Girl's On The Run coach, going to the dog park, her 5am workouts, and spending quality time with family.

Lida Hanson

Hi everyone! My name is Lida Hanson. I am 21 (almost 22) years old and am from a town outside Chicago.
I am the oldest of four kids. I have a brother who is 20, a sister who is 18, and another sister who is 13 (who has Down Syndrome). I also have a dog named Finnegan.
Some of my favorite things include deep dish pizza, the Chicago Cubs, soccer, and reading.
I currently have my Associate of Arts from a community college outside Chicago. I plan on going back to school next year to get my Bachelors in Middle School English Education. My hope is to be a Middle school teacher in or outside a city. But I have also considered going into ministry and being a youth pastor. I’m still not sure where I am going to transfer to get my Bachelors but I am looking at a few schools on the east coast and in Illinois.
I would love one day to write a book and travel to Europe (not necessarily in that order).  Back in Illinois I attended the same church for 18 years. I grew up in the student ministry there and once I graduated from high school I volunteered as a small group leader. I enjoy helping students (and anyone) know that they are fully loved and fully known by Jesus.
I’m excited to be interning at Knox for this next year and getting to know everyone!



Thank You Notes from Our Friends


Hello and Happy Fall!

We wanted to highlight one of the colleges that Dylan is helping on this semester, Kansas City Kansas Community College (KCKCC). The faculty have been very supportive and encouraging to us as Cru. The first day of classes, Dylan and another teammate, Cordelia, were able to have a Cru table on the Technical Educational Center (TEC) campus to give out drinks and school supplies that were provided by the school. The next week, Cru was invited to host a table at the Pioneer Career Center campus in Leavenworth, Kansas. Not long after this, there was yet another opportunity - this time to have a table at the main campus of Kansas City Kansas Community College. Students got to hear about Cru as they came by their table and receive snacks and freeze pops.

It’s been so cool to see how God is moving and opening doors with students at all three KCKCC campuses. In order to bring these students together, there is a Zoom meeting on Wednesday evenings. Last week, Dylan shared with the students his story of how he came to know the Lord.

Thank you for helping make all these opportunities possible!

With love,

Dylan and Leslie Sullivan

Aberdeen Village

Words alone cannot represent our thanksgiving for your congregation’s kind and generous support of our Aberdeen Village Good Samaritan Fund. We want to thank you on behalf of the residents for your recent gift. Each day, the continued health, happiness and well-being of all our Aberdeen Village residents will serve as further expression of our gratitude for Good Samaritans like you.

Once again, thank you for your desire to support the Good Samaritan Program and the meaningful role you have in our mission.
Sincerely yours,

John Westmacott

Gifts of Love

Gifts of Love


Contribute to God’s work by making financial donations. Knox has new options to give.
Go to for more information.

Online Giving   You can choose to contribute with a credit or debit card or your bank account information. You are in complete control and can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring payments. Currently at Knox, you can designate your donation to:

· Building Fund

· Celebration Choir

· Cross-Lines Toy Fund

· Emergency Assistance Fund

· General Fund

· Per Capita

· Youth Mission Fund

 Text to Give  

Contribute by texting any amount to 913-285-8856 such as “20.” The first time you text a donation, you will be prompted with a one-time registration link that takes you to a web page to put in your name, address, email and card info (credit and debit cards are the only funding method, ACH from a bank account is not available with this method). This will create a record in Elexio Giving and save your payment method for future texts. All subsequent donations will simply be texting the amount to 913-285-8856. You will get a text confirmation that your donation was successful.

Thank you to all that have been sending your gifts to the church.  It is greatly appreciated.  For others who have not given, if you are able at this time and you are someone that drops your tithe and gifts in the offering plate on Sunday morning, please continue giving by mail or dropping it off at the church office.


Helping Those in Need


  • Disinfectant Wipes

  • Sanitizer· Kleenex

  • Socks (It’s “Socktober” - socks of all sizes are needed.)

 The single mom KC

· Clothing
· Shoes
· Accessories
· Gift cards; Walmart & Target for groceries
· and $25-$50 gas cards 

Cherith Brook

· Sugar, Powdered Milk
· Masks, disposable gloves
· Toilet paper & Kleenex
· Men’s Jeans, Size 28-34
· Stamps

Knox Food Pantry

· Jiffy Corn Bread Mix
· Canned Chicken
· Hamburger Helper
· Breakfast Cereal
· Pancake Mix
· Syrup
· Canned Fruit
· Dish Soap

Cross-Lines Christmas Toy Store

Suggestions for Stocking Stuffers
Hot wheel cars
Action figures
Small dolls
Small purses
Necklaces, bracelets
Small decorated spiral notebooks
Colored pens & markers
Plastic dinosaurs
Play packs
Card games
Small balls
Small Disney toys
Hair bows
Water bottles
Small puzzles
Baby bibs, socks, spoons, bowls, cars & trucks, rattles, etc.
Play dough, small rolling pins and small cookie cutters

Items for Preteens and Teens
Make-up kits
Hair dryers &curlers
Perfume & Cologne
Art kits
Sports Equipment

 Family Games


Freestylin with Fred

A Bible memory verse that all of us can handle is I Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing”.  This is an easy verse to memorize, but a hard one to put into practice.  Many of you who know me well are aware that prayer is very central to my life with Christ.  I delight in praying with others as the Holy Spirit guides and leads me.  My life has been transformed by the power of prayer.  Every day I pray Romans 12:1-2 to begin my spiritual journey.  Our small group is going to study Romans 12 next Sunday and we have a lot to learn from Paul.  From verse 1, I have learned to present my body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God.

Few of you have met my son Noah, although some of you have heard the stories
how we adopted Noah and Chloe.  It took us seven years to adopt him!  Words really
cannot describe how I felt when holding that baby for the very first time – 11/11/96. 
Noah went on to become a Marine when graduating from high school.  After two years of service, Noah was hit by a drunk driver while in a taxi cab in Palm Springs.  His head went through the window; causing Noah to sustain a severe head trauma.  Once out of the
Marines, he continued to have headaches on a daily basis.  Cindy and I have prayed for
Noah to return to his first love – Jesus Christ.

Yet it was not until recently that Noah and Peyton, his girlfriend, finally attended a Bible study on the gospel of Mark with me.  We continue to pray that his hunger to know Christ will increase daily.  I share this to remind all of us to keep praying for those we love (like the Prodigal Son).  God expects no less from any of us!

Fred Daniels



Remembering Our Friends


 Send a card, or whatever is appropriate to let these people know that you are thinking of them. Make a personal commitment to pray for:

October 3          Eunice Litchfield
October 10        Pat McMahon
October 17        Marjorie & Vance Meinecke
October 24        Nedra Packel
October 31        Gerry Ray


October 3       Lori Noren & Sandy Hoyt
October 10      Chad Kessinger
October 17      Linda Urrutia
October 24      Kathleen McCullough & Lloyd Navratil
October 31      Sean Willoughby



From the Deacons

From the Deacons

The Deacons thank you for your continued generosity in giving to the Cross-Lines Christmas Store.  If you selected an ornament from the tree during Christmas in July and have not yet purchased the gift, please do so, bring it to the church, and put it in the Cross-lines Toy Bin. 

We can still use coloring books and crayons, books and gifts for teens and boys, remote control cars, board games, and stuffed animals.

Don’t know what to purchase? 
Make a monetary contribution and we will shop for you.

Thank you!


Pearls by Paul

The story is the most powerful way to communicate spiritual truth.  Jesus was a master storyteller.  His parables challenged the hearer and today still challenge the reader.  If I tell you God loves you no matter what, then I have communicated a spiritual truth.  If I read you the story of the lost son in Luke 15, I have also communicated a spiritual truth. But which is likely to make the most impact and stick with you? The story.  Stories have power to draw us in.  They make us use our imagination. Stories ring true when we find ourselves behaving like the characters in them. Jesus spoke in parables because He wanted the impact and lasting power that stories give.  When I read a story in chapel to our children who attend our CDC, I use what I call my favorite translation of the scriptures, the Rhyme Bible Storybook. The pictures and poetry help tell the story in a way that opens hearts and minds to receive the message.  Ironically, we tell more truth when we tell more stories. 

Yours with Joy,


Freestylin with Fred

Just recently, I was reading through one of my favorite scripture passages.  Ephesians 2:8-10 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift from God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Years ago as a college student, I learned a very valuable lesson in my spiritual development.  Pete, our CRU director, told me that Ephesians reminds us that we cannot earn our salvation or standing with God through works.  Growing up I often tried to be a good religious boy.  My efforts were to somehow please God and gain His favor.  Pete helped me to see that a life of trusting faith in Jesus was what is truly required of each of us. 
I am afraid that growing up I really did not learn to accept gifts from others.  My wife Cindy is really good at giving gifts and expecting nothing in return.
My point is that Ephesians 2 is letting us know God took the initiative in sending Christ to do (die for our sins) what we ourselves could never accomplish.  Our response to this amazing love is to do the works He has called each of us to do in building up His Kingdom here on earth. 
Let’s not try to become religious people who attempt to be people pleasers.  Don’t attempt to somehow get God to like us more through our acts of kindness.  Each of us should become the best disciple we can through scripture reading, prayer, worship, fellowship, and spirit led ministry.


Remembering Our Friends

for September

September 5       Debbie Schluben
September 12     Jane Jarboe
September 19     Terri White & Lloyd Navratil
September 26     Janet Huddleson


Send a card, or whatever is appropriate to let these people
know that you are thinking of them. 
Make a personal commitment to lift them up in prayer.

September 5           Eunice Litchfield
September 12         Pat McMahon
September 19         Marjorie & Vance Meinecke
September 26         Gerald & Nedra Packel










Helping Those in Need


· Disinfectant Wipes
· Sanitizer
· Kleenex

 The single mom KC

· Clothing
· Shoes
· Accessories
· Gift cards; Walmart & Target for groceries
· and $25-$50 gas cards 

Cherith Brook

· Sugar, Powdered Milk
· Masks, disposable gloves
· Toilet paper & Kleenex
· Men’s Jeans, Size 28-34
· Stamps

Knox Food Pantry

· Jiffy Corn Bread Mix
· Canned Chicken
· Hamburger Helper
· Breakfast Cereal
· Pancake Mix
· Syrup
· Canned Fruit
· Dish Soap

Cross-Lines Christmas Toy Store

· Coloring Books & Crayons
· Books
· Remote Cars
· Board Games
· Stuffed Animals
· Gifts for Teens
· Gifts for Boys



Gifts of Love

Gifts of Love


Contribute to God’s work by making financial donations. Knox has new options to give.
Go to for more information.

Online Giving   You can choose to contribute with a credit or debit card or your bank account information. You are in complete control and can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring payments. Currently at Knox, you can designate your donation to:

· Building Fund

· Celebration Choir

· Cross-Lines Toy Fund

· Emergency Assistance Fund

· General Fund

· Per Capita

· Youth Mission Fund

 Text to Give  

Contribute by texting any amount to 913-285-8856 such as “20.” The first time you text a donation, you will be prompted with a one-time registration link that takes you to a web page to put in your name, address, email and card info (credit and debit cards are the only funding method, ACH from a bank account is not available with this method). This will create a record in Elexio Giving and save your payment method for future texts. All subsequent donations will simply be texting the amount to 913-285-8856. You will get a text confirmation that your donation was successful.

Thank you to all that have been sending your gifts to the church.  It is greatly appreciated.  For others who have not given, if you are able at this time and you are someone that drops your tithe and gifts in the offering plate on Sunday morning, please continue giving by mail or dropping it off at the church office.


Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry

Þ Someone who cares about other people?
Þ Someone who listens?
Þ Someone who has time to help others?
Become a Stephen Minister!

Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 
Galatians 6:2

Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained by their Stephen Leaders to offer care to people who are hurting.  A Stephen Minister typically has one care receiver at a time and meets with that person once a week for about an hour.  All conversations are confidential  

Application forms are available at the Welcome Center and Main Office.
Training classes begin September 14, 7pm, in Room 215B/C.
If you have questions, contact Fred Daniels, Sharon Cheatham, or Sandy Hoyt.

Thank you Notes from Our Friends

Greetings from
Susan Bellis

Dear Knox family,
Thank you for the love and care that my family received from you all following
the sudden death of my son, Aaron. Knox will always have a special place
in our hearts.
May God bless you.
Susan Bellis and family

The Single MOM KC

Dear Knox family
We are so grateful for your ongoing partnership with The Single MOM KC. Your most recent financial gift came just as we needed it.  Your financial support helps with Programs and Operations expenses.  We are thankful for the use of the Knox facility for our July Family Fun Day.  We hosted around 100 single moms and their kids and it was a joy to do that in the Knox parking lot!  We were so appreciative of Paul, Andrew, Linda, and several Knox youth who not only led a game booth but helped us pack up very quickly when a storm came!
Thank you for your ongoing clothing donations for our Clothed with Dignity Boutique.  One of the wonderful ways Knox supports our single moms in need is by providing gift cards for groceries and gas.  Those gift cards have been a wonderful blessing as we are seeing more moms impacted financially directly or indirectly due to the pandemic.
I am personally so thankful for all of you.  I am seeing such fruit of the ministry The Single MOM KC is doing in supporting single mother families and guiding single moms into a place of spiritual and emotional wholeness.  To have the support of my Knox family in this mission is a tremendous blessing.
Lori Unthank,
Program Director

The Single MOM KC

Knox VBS families,
Thank you for the wonderful summer fun baskets that were assembled during VBS.  We handed the baskets out at The Single MOM KC Family Fun day on July 17.  Moms were thrilled to have fun activities to do with their kids.  The notes that you wrote to each mom and her children were very special and so encouraging.  They loved the treats that were included too!
What a wonderful way to bless single moms and their children.  Thank you so much!
Lori Unthank


Thank you for helping break the cycle of domestic violence and being a part of this work.  We are honored by your gift of $500.00.  Because of you, lives are changed.
At Rose Brooks Center, we are acutely aware of the added challenges victims of domestic violence face right now due to isolation and social distancing.  Your kindness today will help ensure 24/7 care is still available and we thank you for being a part of our community of support during these unusual times.  We are incredibly grateful.
Rose Brooks is here for thousands of adults, children, and their pets each year.  They have often experienced unspeakable adversity at the hands of loved ones.  Yet through safety, support, counseling, advocacy and economic empowerment, they are able to rise above their pain, find hope and build new lives for themselves and their family.
Again, thank you for your life-changing gift.
Lisa Fleming