Pearls by Paul

The story is the most powerful way to communicate spiritual truth.  Jesus was a master storyteller.  His parables challenged the hearer and today still challenge the reader.  If I tell you God loves you no matter what, then I have communicated a spiritual truth.  If I read you the story of the lost son in Luke 15, I have also communicated a spiritual truth. But which is likely to make the most impact and stick with you? The story.  Stories have power to draw us in.  They make us use our imagination. Stories ring true when we find ourselves behaving like the characters in them. Jesus spoke in parables because He wanted the impact and lasting power that stories give.  When I read a story in chapel to our children who attend our CDC, I use what I call my favorite translation of the scriptures, the Rhyme Bible Storybook. The pictures and poetry help tell the story in a way that opens hearts and minds to receive the message.  Ironically, we tell more truth when we tell more stories. 

Yours with Joy,