Thank You Notes

Called to Greatness

Feeling God’s covering is dynamic. It’s saying “ahh,” when cooling down in some nearby shade from all day being in the heat. And it is as profound as the confidence of knowing the territory God is giving you at your work to serve. That’s the best way to describe how this month has gone here at KU. God is covering more and more of this campus! I’ll be partnering with Alec, our campus director to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to all twelve scholarship halls. This will be no easy feat. A few of you know the Scholarship halls are near and dear to my heart. It was there the Gospel impacted me in a radical way. We desire to bring it there to the fullest!
Between the two Move-in Days, Unionfest, the Back to School Bash, the Back-to-School Cookout, Men’s Pool night, two campus meetings, and the countless interactions we’ve had with student’s in between; we’ve had thirty-one people signing up for our Bible Study called Kingdom Living (KL’s)! That’s thirty-one new potential future leaders and we aren’t even tired!
Knox Prayer Warrior(s):
We are grateful for your prayers. In fact, we will need more of them as we bunker down with the student’s day-in and out from here on out. Pray for KL groups to form next week, and transformation to follow!
For His Kingdom,
S. J. Rosenak

P. S. Lots of opportunity!


Hello All ~
Thanks so much for all of the amazing underwear you collected…1,458 pieces to be precise. Some even had matching socks! Special thanks to the “One Small Step” team that counted, sorted, and packed the items by size to two in a labeled bag. AMAZING!
We had some sad news this month. One of the homeless encampments was intentionally set on fire in KCK. That means these families with so little lost almost all. Thankfully no one was killed in the incident which is currently being investigated.
The food distribution is continuing, but has been difficult. The number of boxes needed continue to increase, but Harvesters where we can purchase items cheaper than the store have been low on stock. So, we have been filling out the boxes by purchasing at regular stores. Special thanks to those who provided extra funds this month to cover these expenses. Thanks to everyone who continues to support these food supplies as well.
In October we will be collecting socks!
Thanks again for all your help!

Lori (Triplett)


Dear Friends,

Thank you for your faithfulness to The Navigators. For generations, faithful donors like you have helped our staff build Life-to-Life relationships with countless people across the world.
Parker and Micah are two of these people. While involved with the Navigators at the University of Wyoming, Parker experienced the impact of having someone to read the Bible with and walk alongside him in daily life. He later served as associate staff at Iowa State University so he could invest in others in the same way. When he connected with Micah, an undergrad student, a lifelong friendship formed that continues to this day.
Parker and Micah both grew spiritually in their college years thanks to the commitment of Navigator staff as well as donors like you who give so we can continue this important work. Both men continue to serve the Lord in their professions and other cultural contexts thanks to the day-to-day lessons they learned growing in faith together. Someone invested in Parker. Parker invested in Micah. Parker and Micah continue to invest in others. This is the generational ministry Navigators pray to continue every day.
Your generosity is making this all possible and we are so grateful for your partnership. Thank you for your continued faithfulness so we can make disciples of all nations, one life at a time.


Andrew Ginsburg


Sullivans’ Kansas City cru Ministry Update
Every year millions of new students begin their college journey! As freshmen arrive, they bring with them not only things from home, but also hopes and fears, expectations and questions! Some are excited and some are nervous. Some are looking forward to a fresh start and some want to keep things just the same as high school. Some wonder what college will be like and some feel they already know what to expect.
No matter what students are thinking or feeling as they begin the new school year, we want to get connected to them! We want to listen well, share with them the Good News of Jesus, and help them follow Him however He is leading them.
This year, we will be helping at University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) and Johnson County Community College (JCCC). UMKC had their “UnionFest” last week and we received over 100 answers to a quick questionnaire with more than 80 people wanting to hear more about cru some way! We have served at UMKC for several years and are looking forward to seeing how God will work this year!
We are also excited to help relaunch the cru movement at JCCC this fall! The campus’ involvement fair will be this week, and we can’t wait to see who the Lord will bring! We have a great student leader and are grateful we get to be a part of “reaching the campus today and reaching the world tomorrow” as Bill Bright, the founder of cru, so succinctly put it! Our desire is that the students who get involved will know and experience God’s love for them. We want to shine the light of Jesus to every student on campus! Thank you so much for everything you do! Your prayers and generous giving help make all of this possible. We are praising the Lord for you!

Prayer Requests
Please pray that God would open doors for us to get connected with students who want to grow and live for Him!
Please pray that returning students would be active in helping lead and that our meetings would be filled with His joy!
How can we be praying for you?
The Sullivans