New Books in the Library

 The Rhyme Bible

Written by L.J. Sattgast & Illustrated by Laurence Cleyet-Merle 

Thirty-five stories from Genesis to Revelations in words that children will understand and each story is beautifully illustrated to help children see and hear God’s Word. 

The book is given by the Deacons in memory of Jim Gillett.


The Parable of the Lily

Written by Liz Curtis Higgs & Illustrated by Nancy Munger 

This book won the ECPA Medallion of Excellence Award.
A farmer’s daughter receives a mysterious gift which she neglects and discards, only to find out on Easter morning how special it is.  Bible verses link the story to the life of Jesus.

 The book is given by the Deacons  in memory of Nancy Thurston.


The  Sunflower Parable

Written by Liz Curtis Higgs & Illustrated by Nancy Munger
This book won the ECPA Medallion of Excellence Award.
Logan discovers how much good can come from the sunflowers he lovingly tends all summer.
Text is interspersed with Bible verses.

 The book is given by the Deacons  in memory of Mary Knight.


Be A King

Dr. Martin Luther King JR’s Dream and You

Written by Carole Boston Weatherford & Illustrated by James E. Ransome

 You can be a King
· Stamp out hatred.
· Put your foot down and walk tall.
· Beat the drum for justice.
· March to your own conscience. 

It’s not always easy to stand up for what’s right, but everyone has the power to make the world a better place.  Inspired by the most important moments of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life, award-winning creators Carole Boston Weatherford and James E. Ransome show a new generation of children how to follow in Dr. King’s footsteps.  

The book is given by the Deacons in memory of Shirley Abrahamson.




Remembering our Friends


June 6    Alan Smith & Tom Noren
June 13  Debbie Schluben & Sandy Hoyt
June 20  Jane Jarboe & Virginia McKnight
June 27  Terry White & Tom Larsen


Send a card, or whatever is appropriate to let these people
know that you are thinking of them. 
Make a personal commitment to lift them in prayer.
June 6       Winona Wedeman
June 13     Kathy Andrews
June 20     Susan Bellis
June 27     Helen Bowen









Thank You


Dear friends,
Thank you for being a beacon of hope in our community!
Like you, we at Cross-Lines are striving to make the community a better place.  A kinder place.  A place where there is always hope.  Your support makes it possible for us to truly make the community a better place for everyone.  We appreciate your passion for helping your neighbors in need.
Because of YOUR support, in 2020:
· More than 22,000 people were able to put food on their family’s table during a time of struggle with groceries from our Food Pantry.

· Our Community Kitchen served more than 57,000 meals to hungry individuals.

· Our Housing Stabilization team provided case management services and more than $367,000 in emergency assistance to 1,474 individuals to help them remain housed during a crisis.

I hope that you are safe and well and know that all of us at Cross-Lines appreciate you.  You matter to us.  YOU make a big difference in our community.  Thank you so much for your steadfast support.

With appreciation,

Susila Jones


Presbyterian Mission

Thank you for your gift in support of Presbyterian mission.  When you make a financial gift to the needs of our most vulnerable siblings, you do not just address immediate crises.  You create lasting change.  You make it possible for individuals and entire communities to become self-sufficient and resilient.
Your gifts make it possible to alleviate hunger, provide access to clean water, recovery from earthquakes and hurricanes, provide scholarships and leadership training for communities of color, and make it possible for communities to become self-sufficient and resilient.
Your generosity, combined with the generosity of Presbyterians throughout the nation, makes it possible to be in ministry in over 50 countries.  Last year from gifts, we were able to award project grants and scholarships of more than $14 million.  Your gift to Presbyterian Mission supports programs and projects that make a life-changing difference for individuals and their communities.
Thank you for bringing the selfless love of Christ to people and communities you might never meet.  Through your kindness, they feel your presence.  Through your presence, they know God is with them.
Thank you for your generous support and your continuing prayers.


Rev. Rosemary C. Mitchell


Aberdeen Village

We can’t begin to thank you enough.
Because of you, seniors will rest knowing they will be cared for should they exhaust their financial resources.
Your gift to the Good Samaritan Fund brings peace and comfort to all of the residents at Aberdeen Village. For that, we are grateful.  Across the PMMA communities, residents and staff come together as family to celebrate the gift of selfless love.
Your gift serves as a symbol of Christ’s love for all.  You are truly a blessing.  Best wishes to you and your loved ones, for peace, strength, happiness, and health too.

Sincerely yours,
John Westmacott




Gifts of Love


Contribute to God’s work by making financial donations. Knox has new options to give.
Go to for more information.

Online Giving   You can choose to contribute with a credit or debit card or your bank account information. You are in complete control and can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring payments. Currently at Knox, you can designate your donation to:

· Building Fund

· Celebration Choir

· Cross-Lines Toy Fund

· Emergency Assistance Fund

· General Fund

· Per Capita

· Youth Mission Fund

 Text to Give  

Contribute by texting any amount to 913-285-8856 such as “20.” The first time you text a donation, you will be prompted with a one-time registration link that takes you to a web page to put in your name, address, email and card info (credit and debit cards are the only funding method, ACH from a bank account is not available with this method). This will create a record in Elexio Giving and save your payment method for future texts. All subsequent donations will simply be texting the amount to 913-285-8856. You will get a text confirmation that your donation was successful.

Thank you to all that have been sending your gifts to the church.  It is greatly appreciated.  For others who have not given, if you are able at this time and you are someone that drops your tithe and gifts in the offering plate on Sunday morning, please continue giving by mail or dropping it off at the church office.


From the Deacons

In May, the Deacons invite you to purchase a gift for a teen (boy or girl) for the Cross-lines Christmas Toy Store.  Some suggestions include: MP-3 players, hair dryers, curling irons, electric razors, bath and body sets, make-up kits, jewelry, sports equipment, games, and books.  You might ask a teen you know for other ideas. If your opportunity to shop right now is limited, please remember that monetary contributions are always welcome and we will shop for you. 

God bless you for your care!


Helping Those In Need

Cherith Brook

Volunteers to work:
in the orchard and in the garden
deep cleaning
sorting donations
helping with the laundry

House Needs:
Powdered milk
Dish Soap
Masks & Disposable gloves
Kleenex & toilet paper

Shower Needs:
Men’s Jeans, size 28-34
Tennis shoes (men’s 9-13)
Body wash/shower gel
Foot powder

LLT for Homeless Kids of Kansas City

Supplies needed:
Underwear for girls, bras & panties
Underwear for boys, t-shirts & briefs
Peanut butter
Snack bars

the single mom

$25-$50 gas cards
Gift cards from Target & Walmart for groceries

Marked containers are in the main hallway of Knox where above items can be placed.

Gifts of Love


Contribute to God’s work by making financial donations. Knox has new options to give.
Go to for more information.

Online Giving   You can choose to contribute with a credit or debit card or your bank account information. You are in complete control and can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring payments. Currently at Knox, you can designate your donation to:

· Building Fund

· Celebration Choir

· Cross-Lines Toy Fund

· Emergency Assistance Fund

· General Fund

· Per Capita

· Youth Mission Fund

 Text to Give  

Contribute by texting any amount to 913-285-8856 such as “20.” The first time you text a donation, you will be prompted with a one-time registration link that takes you to a web page to put in your name, address, email and card info (credit and debit cards are the only funding method, ACH from a bank account is not available with this method). This will create a record in Elexio Giving and save your payment method for future texts. All subsequent donations will simply be texting the amount to 913-285-8856. You will get a text confirmation that your donation was successful.

Thank you to all that have been sending your gifts to the church.  It is greatly appreciated.  For others who have not given, if you are able at this time and you are someone that drops your tithe and gifts in the offering plate on Sunday morning, please continue giving by mail or dropping it off at the church office.


Thank You

Larry & Julie Ray & Family

Dear Knox family,
Thank you for the lovely service for Jerry Ray.  The comfort and support from all of you was much appreciated and well received.
With thanks in Christ,
Larry & Julie Ray and family

Heart to Heart International

Dear Tim & members,
Thank you for your generous donation in support of Heart to Heart International’s mission to improve healthcare access. 
The devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of healthcare access for people across the United States and around the world.  Thanks to you, we continue to improve access to healthcare after disasters and all year round  Together, we are working toward a vision of a world in which every person has access to a healthy life and every community has the capacity to make that access a reality.
I want to extend to you my heartfelt gratitude for your support of our organization.  I encourage you to stay connected with us.  Read stories on our website (, follow us on social media or come visit us at our headquarters.
On behalf of those we serve, thank you for making Heart to Heart International your connection to a world in need.

With gratitude,
Kim Carroll


Rose Brooks 

Dear Knox,
Thank you for helping break the cycle of domestic violence and being a part of this work.  We are honored by your gift of $500.00.  Because of you, lives are changed.
At Rose Brooks Center, we are acutely aware of the added challenges victims of domestic violence face right now due to isolation and social distancing.  Your kindness today will help ensure 24/7 care is still available and we thank you for being a part of our community of support during these unusual times.  We are incredibly grateful.
Rose Brooks is here for thousands of adults, children, and their pets each year.  They have often experienced unspeakable adversity at the hands of loved ones.  Yet through safety, support, counseling, advocacy and economic empowerment, they are able to rise above their pain, find hope and build new lives for themselves and their family.
Again, thank you for you life-changing gift.

Susan K. Miller

The Navigators 

Dear Knox,
Thank you for your faithful support of the Navigators!  As we move our hearts toward spring, I hope you are noticing growth in your spiritual life.
James had a transformed perspective on daily life in his neighborhood when he started taking the Bible seriously.  He saw God bestowing purpose to his family right where they lived and within their surrounding community.
Now serving with Navigators Neighbors ministry, James is always watching for what God is doing.  “My neighborhood is a place that is messy, often desecrated, and forgotten,” James said.  “I asked myself, ‘If God is active everywhere, all the time...what is He doing here?’”
The answer to that question led James to open a coffee shop shared with a small storefront church that was empty six days a week.  “We are seeing this place being redeemed,”  James says.  “Now we have a space in the neighborhood where people feel comfortable to gather and share life together.”
Your gifts are essential and your tireless work as a Christ follower tending to lost and broken people is extremely valued!  God is working through you where you live, work, and play. 
Thank you. 
Doug Nuenke



Remembering Our Friends


 Send a card, or whatever is appropriate to let these people know that you are thinking of them.  Make a personal commitment to lift them in prayer. 

May 2                   Gerry Ray

May 9                   Gayle Ross

May 16                 Jean Saunders

May 23                 Edna Thompson

May 30                Cara Triplett


 May 2 Linda Urrutia              

May 9 Kathleen McCullough              

May 16  Sean Willoughby          

May 23  Christie Brooks & Lloyd Navratil

May 30  Kiele Gebremeskel & Dave Taylor









Pearls by Paul

Dear Friends: 

Like for many of you, spring is a favorite season.  Bright flowers bloom, the smell of cut grass is in the air, the air is warming, and baseball is being played.  In addition, we have the hope that with vaccines now available we might get back to normalcy.  All of this helps us to feel our Easter joy and celebrate the gift of life.   

Each time we gather as people of faith is also an opportunity to celebrate.  We celebrate that we are a part of God's good creation.  We celebrate who God is and who we are as God's children.  We celebrate what God has done, is doing, and has promised to do in the future.  We celebrate the gifts of faith, hope, and love. 

What does this mean for religious education?  It means that the term religious education falls well short of what we are offering and seeking to create.  I prefer to think of our task as religious celebration.  Working with young people, especially, is a reminder of the joy and energy that can be ours when we live with an attitude of gratitude and wonder.  It means that we are not just filling our minds with facts but embracing education as a process that transforms us into new creatures.   

Please join me in prayer, asking that all our endeavors, like next months' vacation Bible school, will be celebrations of the new life which God imparts to us.  "Anyone in Christ is a new creation..." (2 Cor. 5.17) 

Yours joyfully,


Freestylin with Fred

I have this wonderful wife named Cindy.  Recently we have been in conversation about the marvelous attributes of God.  She has shared with me how God has been teaching her the value of praising Him for these attributes which He thankfully reveals to His children.  For my May meditations, I want us to think about truth and how it is revealed to us.  I share with you a couple of quotes from a book entitled Harvest of Gold.

“The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance.”  — Spurgeon

Ethel Barrymore, a Queen of the American theater, was once asked the secret to her peaceful life.  She replied, ”You must learn day by day to broaden your horizon.  The more things you are interested in, the more you enjoy, the more things you are indignant about---- the more you have left when anything happens.  You must learn above all not to waste your soul and energy just on little things… I suppose the greatest thing in the world is loving people and wanting to destroy the sin and not the sinner… And not to forget when life knocks us to our knees, that’s the best position to pray.  That’s where I learned truth.”

“Give me liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience above all liberties… Though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously, by licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength.  Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a fee and open encounter?” — John Milton


Ministry Needs

From the Deacons

In April, the Deacons invite you to purchase a board game for the Cross-Lines Christmas Toy Store. We always provide a board game for each family who shops at the store. Popular games include Monopoly, Sorry, Life, Connect 4, Clue, Trouble, Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Sequence, and more. Please watch for a sale and make a purchase. If you don’t know what to buy, a monetary contribution is also appreciated, and we will shop for you. 

God bless you for your support of this ministry!

Helping the Homeless Kids
of Kansas City, Kansas

Supplies needed:
Underwear for girls (bras & panties)
Underwear for boys (t-shirts & briefs)
Peanut butter
Snack bars

Supporting Single Moms KC

Please discontinue your donations of items — clothing, toiletries, etc.  to the single mom.  They are moving and will let Knox know when they are settled and open for donations.  They are accepting  $25-$50 gas cards and gift cards from Target and Walmart for groceries.

If you have questions, contact Heather Schrotberger,

Cherith Brook

Current Donation Needs
Thanks to all of you who have so generously donated clothing, shower items, and general hospitality supplies for our guests, We depend on these each month.  Our current needs include:

· Socks (men’s)

· Tennis shoes (men’s 9-13)

· Backpacks

· Body wash/shower gel

· Shampoo & conditioner

· Deodorant

· Butter, sugar & creamer

· Hot sauce

· Rice

· Cold/flu medicine (day and night time)

· Ibuprofen, Tylenol

· Tissue & toilet paper

 Items can be placed in the Cherith Brook bin in the main hallway at Knox.
A clothes dryer is also needed; contact Cherith Brook if you can supply one.


Gifts of Love


Contribute to God’s work by making financial donations. Knox has new options to give.
Go to for more information.

Online Giving   You can choose to contribute with a credit or debit card or your bank account information. You are in complete control and can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring payments. Currently at Knox, you can designate your donation to:

· Building Fund

· Celebration Choir

· Cross-Lines Toy Fund

· Emergency Assistance Fund

· General Fund

· Per Capita

· Youth Mission Fund

 Text to Give  

Contribute by texting any amount to 913-285-8856 such as “20.” The first time you text a donation, you will be prompted with a one-time registration link that takes you to a web page to put in your name, address, email and card info (credit and debit cards are the only funding method, ACH from a bank account is not available with this method). This will create a record in Elexio Giving and save your payment method for future texts. All subsequent donations will simply be texting the amount to 913-285-8856. You will get a text confirmation that your donation was successful.

Thank you to all that have been sending your gifts to the church.  It is greatly appreciated.  For others who have not given, if you are able at this time and you are someone that drops your tithe and gifts in the offering plate on Sunday morning, please continue giving by mail or dropping it off at the church office.


Remembering our Friends


April 4   Terry White & Lloyd Navratil

April 11  Janet Huddleston & Dave Taylor

April 18 Lori Noren & Sandy Hoyt

April 25  Chad Kessinger & Virginia McKnight


Send a card, or whatever is appropriate to let these people
know that you are thinking of them. 
Make a personal commitment to lift them in prayer.

    April 4       Eunice Litchfield

   April 11       Pat McMahon

   April 18       Marjorie & Vance Meinecke

   April 25       Nedra & Gerald Packel








Freestylin with Fred

Currently I am studying Psalm 23 for Lent.  The Psalm begins with these words, “The Lord is my Shepherd”.  I am going to share some questions and thoughts that might help each one of us make Jesus the Shepherd of our lives.  A basic question to begin with is “how do I come under His control?”.  David, the author of the poem, was himself a shepherd.  Yet he wanted to make God the daily Shepherd of his existence.
Our view of Jesus as the Good Shepherd is taken from John 10:1-18.  Please read this passage to further understand who Jesus is in relationship to ourselves.  Why?  Because so often our view of Jesus is too small or cramped.  We honestly don’t want to allow the authority or control He deserves. The greater, the wider, the more majestic my concept is of the Christ --- the more vital will be my relationship to Him.  In Psalm 23, David speaks not as a shepherd, but as a sheep, one of the flock.  Sheep can truly thrive under the care of a loving shepherd.  We need to know the character of the Shepherd talked about in Psalm 23.  Jesus brought us into being (created us) and understands each of us better than we know ourselves.  Jesus demonstrated on Calvary His desire to care for us throughout eternity.
Sheep and human beings are similar in many ways.  Keep reading Psalm 23 to find that out!  Yet Jesus intercedes for us by His gracious Spirit. He spares no pains for the welfare of His sheep.  Jesus is the understanding Shepherd who cares enough to seek out and save and restore lost humanity.  Basically it amounts to this:
A person exchanges their own selfish living for being guided by God.

 Questions to Consider 

1. Do I really belong to Him?

2. Do I respond to His authority?

3. Do I find complete fulfillment in this arrangement?

4. Do I sense a purpose and deep contentment in my life?




Pearls by Paul

Dear Friends: 

We are planning to hold Vacation Bible School in June and I am asking for your support. We need prayer, volunteers, and a spirit of joy and enthusiasm to guide us as we share the good news of God's love with children.  If I or another leader reach out to you, please prayerfully consider how you can contribute to our Bible School.  Our program is called "Anchored" and is about deepening our faith in God. This will be an exciting opportunity for all of us to grow in our faith!  
As we celebrate Easter, I pray that new life springs forth within you.  Keep in mind that Easter is a season, not just one day.  We are to continue to celebrate the joy of God's resurrection power throughout the entire season, and indeed throughout our lives.
Please keep the youth and children's ministries of our church in your prayers.

Joyfully yours,



Thank You


We wanted to thank you for the year-end gift and continued financial support of our ministry with the Navigators here at KU.  We are grateful for your support as we continue to seek to make Christ known among college students and navigate what that looks like on campus in the midst of the pandemic.

Thank you!
Stephen & Kayla Hass


Winter Conference is a gathering of college students experiencing Jesus, growing together in our faith, and discovering our place in the mission of God.
While historically Winter Conference happens every year in multiple conference centers and ballrooms across the nation, this year it looked a bit different.  On February 5 and 6, college students from Hawaii to Maine, from Florida to Alaska, gathered together for a special weekend in order to encounter Jesus.
Students connected virtually to one live national broadcast from their living room, dorm room, church building, parent’s basement, or backyard.  While it was a step into the unknown to host the conference like this, God moved in powerful ways!
6,292 students attended to understand and consider God’s Character, God’s Heart and God’s Call.  The speakers lifted our eyes to consider the beauty, mercy, and grace of Jesus.  They helped us to see the urgency of sharing with those around us.  And they challenged us to discover our place in the mission of God in proclaiming the gospel to others.
While each student who attended has a story to tell, here is just one story:
I’ve had multiple friends on my heart that I’ve been praying for and desiring to share the gospel with.  They’re unbelievers. . . After attending the conference, I feel much more equipped and on-fire to share my faith and approach them in a conversation.” —Kellen, University of Idaho freshman

Quote from Jennie Allen: 
“If this book (Bible) is true and our God is coming back, than every minute and breath that He gives us matters more than we could possibly imagine.”
Quote from Eric Rivera:  “When you are confident in God’s power, you can rest in God’s will.”

Prayer Requests:
Pray that students from KC who attended Winter Conference would have a passion for Jesus
and to make Him known!

Pray for healthy delivery of baby girl Sullivan due any day now!

Dylan & Leslie Sullivan   (

Hope Bridges

Hello Friends!
Spring is on its way, and we are ready.  The Hope Bridges’ homes are doing well.  We are happy to share how each of the homes is doing.  Thank you so much for helping us support and provide for the needs of children in Thailand.
In February, the children took part in sports with many churches in the Omkoi village community.  They had a blast!  We are seeking one set of music for worship  There will be three guitars, three guitar speakers, and a set of drums.  Every child at the dormitory comes to study, making 77 people total. 
The children would like the Hope Bridge’s supporters and donors to pray for the children’s studies, and for a set of music for use in worship.
At the Lighthouse in February we had a local foundation come and play with the kids, do activities and crafts, bring lunch, and worship together.  During this time, the caretakers had a day to team build and meet together.  This was a rare treat for the staff, and a wonderful time for the children.
The Lighthouse wants to thank you for the new towels!  “We love them.” Right now, we are currently in need of monthly dental checkups the children need with a cost of $20 per cleaning/child.  Aside from the need for dental checkups, please pray for one of the girls who was feeling sick and tired.  We think it was just dehydration from a day full of activities at her school, but prayer for continued strength would be great.
Nong Tao
This month the kids learned to sing a Thai song, and new Bible verses.  We had a small party for a student from Bible school as she prepares to leave after six months of staying with us.  The students are all doing well in school and their multiple activities.
Right now, we need first aid kits and a home medicine set.  Additionally, we need towels, soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, and toothpaste for 20 children.
Please pray for our children’s studies and health.  Some of our students are not yet Christians, and we would appreciate you joining us in praying for them to come into a relationship with the Lord.  We also pray for the salvation of their parents and families.

Mike Lane


Ministry Needs

From the Deacons

In March, the Deacons invite you to purchase a gift for an infant or toddler for the Cross-Lines Christmas store.  This could include toys, stocking stuffers, board books, or stuffed animals.  Some suggestions include large blocks, dolls, large trucks, riding toys, push or pull toys, activity mats, plush toys, teethers, bath toys, learning toys, and music toys.  If you don’t know what to buy, a monetary contribution is also appreciated, and we will shop for you. 

God bless you for your support of this ministry!

Supporting Single Moms KC

Please discontinue your donations of items — clothing, toiletries, etc.  to the single mom.  They are moving and will let Knox know when they are settled and open for donations.  They are accepting  $25-$50 gas cards and gift cards from Target and Walmart for groceries.

If you have questions, contact Heather Schrotberger,


Cherith Brook
Current Donation Needs

Thanks to all of you who have so generously donated clothing, shower items, and general hospitality supplies for our guests, We depend on these each month especially during these cold months.  Our current needs include:

· Socks (men’s)

· Tennis shoes (men’s 9-13)

· Backpacks

· Body wash/shower gel

· Shampoo & conditioner

· Deodorant

· Butter, sugar & creamer

· Hot sauce

· Rice

· Cold/flu medicine (day and night time)

· Ibuprofen, Tylenol

· Tissue & toilet paper

 Items can be placed in the Cherith Brook bin in the main hallway at Knox.


Gifts of Love


Contribute to God’s work by making financial donations. Knox has new options to give.
Go to for more information.

Online Giving   You can choose to contribute with a credit or debit card or your bank account information. You are in complete control and can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring payments. Currently at Knox, you can designate your donation to:

· Building Fund

· Celebration Choir

· Cross-Lines Toy Fund

· Emergency Assistance Fund

· General Fund

· Per Capita

· Youth Mission Fund

 Text to Give  

Contribute by texting any amount to 913-285-8856 such as “20.” The first time you text a donation, you will be prompted with a one-time registration link that takes you to a web page to put in your name, address, email and card info (credit and debit cards are the only funding method, ACH from a bank account is not available with this method). This will create a record in Elexio Giving and save your payment method for future texts. All subsequent donations will simply be texting the amount to 913-285-8856. You will get a text confirmation that your donation was successful.

Thank you to all that have been sending your gifts to the church.  It is greatly appreciated.  For others who have not given, if you are able at this time and you are someone that drops your tithe and gifts in the offering plate on Sunday morning, please continue giving by mail or dropping it off at the church office.


Thank You Notes

Everything beautiful begins with God.

Knox friends,
Thank you so much for the cards, notes, prayers, e-mails, gifts, etc. that I have received during my cancer journey.  I am truly humbled by the love Knox has shown me.  The prayers that have been lifted up on my behalf are what has healed me.  God has blest me and I am anxious to get back into the service of my Lord. 

Susan Friend



(Update from Mike Lane)

There was a small Covid outbreak in Chiang Mai, so the schools were closed, and the kids studied online.  Therefore, Sam, a Lighthouse caretaker, celebrated his birthday with a pizza party and family games.  They all had a great time!
Please pray for one of the boys who sprained his ankle while playing soccer.  He is recovering well, but continued prayers for his healing are appreciated.

 Nong Tao

The kids have been studying these Bible verses:
John 3:16, Ephesians 5:16, and Psalm 128:1 and 46:1.
They have also learned a new Keren worship song.
Please pray for the children’s schooling, their health, for those who don’t believe to accept Christ, and for the families of Nong Tao’s children.

Unfortunately we have not heard any reports from Chluday.  Please keep them in your prayers!
If you have any questions, please email us at

Grace and Peace,
Mike Lane

single mom KC

Knox Community,
The single mom KC is extremely grateful for your ongoing financial support.  The Knox community has helped provide funding for our programs and the monthly facilities expenses for Clothed with Dignity Boutique.
We are, also, grateful for the ongoing clothing donations to the boutique. Thank you very much! We look forward to continuing our partnership in serving single mom families in 2021.

God bless you,
Lori Unthank & TSMKC Leaders


Dear Friends at Knox Presbyterian Church,
We hope the beginning of 2021 has started well for you!  What a blessing it is to partner together in ministry!  We are incredibly grateful for your faithfulness in praying and giving as we serve with Cru.  You are an integral part of what we do!  Every time you receive this letter from us, you can know that we have prayed for you specifically and thanked the Lord for you!

The Cru movement at UMKC is thriving and has many community groups meeting weekly!  This fall Dylan joined with a couple of other staff team members to reach students involved in fraternities and sororities.  Starting a new movement from the ground up can be a challenge, but it is getting going!  Before the spring semester started, this small team of staff members began praying and dreaming of what involving students in fraternities and sororities could look like.  God has since brought three young ladies in their path that are excited to be a part of reaching their fellow Greek students!  The staff and young students, two freshmen and a sophomore, are currently meeting together online every other week to pray, look deeper into a passage of Scripture, and talk through outreach ideas.  Their next step is to get connected with the presidents of the fraternities and sororities, and then hopefully get to share what Cru is all about with these groups on campus!

Would you join us in praying that God would be working in these efforts to reach “Greek” students at the University of Missouri-Kansas City?  Thank you for partnering with us.  It is an honor to follow the Lord together!

Serving Him,
Dylan and Leslie Sullivan