Thank You


Dear friends,
Thank you for being a beacon of hope in our community!
Like you, we at Cross-Lines are striving to make the community a better place.  A kinder place.  A place where there is always hope.  Your support makes it possible for us to truly make the community a better place for everyone.  We appreciate your passion for helping your neighbors in need.
Because of YOUR support, in 2020:
· More than 22,000 people were able to put food on their family’s table during a time of struggle with groceries from our Food Pantry.

· Our Community Kitchen served more than 57,000 meals to hungry individuals.

· Our Housing Stabilization team provided case management services and more than $367,000 in emergency assistance to 1,474 individuals to help them remain housed during a crisis.

I hope that you are safe and well and know that all of us at Cross-Lines appreciate you.  You matter to us.  YOU make a big difference in our community.  Thank you so much for your steadfast support.

With appreciation,

Susila Jones


Presbyterian Mission

Thank you for your gift in support of Presbyterian mission.  When you make a financial gift to the needs of our most vulnerable siblings, you do not just address immediate crises.  You create lasting change.  You make it possible for individuals and entire communities to become self-sufficient and resilient.
Your gifts make it possible to alleviate hunger, provide access to clean water, recovery from earthquakes and hurricanes, provide scholarships and leadership training for communities of color, and make it possible for communities to become self-sufficient and resilient.
Your generosity, combined with the generosity of Presbyterians throughout the nation, makes it possible to be in ministry in over 50 countries.  Last year from gifts, we were able to award project grants and scholarships of more than $14 million.  Your gift to Presbyterian Mission supports programs and projects that make a life-changing difference for individuals and their communities.
Thank you for bringing the selfless love of Christ to people and communities you might never meet.  Through your kindness, they feel your presence.  Through your presence, they know God is with them.
Thank you for your generous support and your continuing prayers.


Rev. Rosemary C. Mitchell


Aberdeen Village

We can’t begin to thank you enough.
Because of you, seniors will rest knowing they will be cared for should they exhaust their financial resources.
Your gift to the Good Samaritan Fund brings peace and comfort to all of the residents at Aberdeen Village. For that, we are grateful.  Across the PMMA communities, residents and staff come together as family to celebrate the gift of selfless love.
Your gift serves as a symbol of Christ’s love for all.  You are truly a blessing.  Best wishes to you and your loved ones, for peace, strength, happiness, and health too.

Sincerely yours,
John Westmacott