Just the past Sunday, I met with both our Adult Spiritual Growth and Youth Planning teams. In both meetings, I reminded them of the constant need for communicating with youth and adults in various methods. Thanks to Amy Oleson, we are attempting to stay connected with church members and those we are seeking to bring the gospel message to through our daily witness. Outreach is one of the Core values at Knox church. We want to take the mandate of grace into a world that does not truly grasp how great our heavenly Father’s love is for them. We are the hands and feet of Christ to carry His good news to a broken world. What motivates us to share the message of Christ? It is being in God’s word on a daily basis, praying to Him throughout the day, worshiping His holy name, and being in strong fellowship with one another.
So I am encouraging each of us to: 1. Set aside a devotional time with God. He delights when we make this spiritual discipline a priority. It needs to happen even though other voices cry out to distract us. 2. Pray whenever the Holy Spirit leads us to connect with our Lord. I begin every day asking God to keep me listening to His responses as I pray to Him. Waiting is something we talked about last Sunday in our SS class. Read and meditate on Isaiah 40:31. 3. Worship should be something we practice every day. Give praise and thanksgiving to His holy and majestic name. Do it as you are driving to work or school, while taking lunch breaks, or as you take an evening walk with a favorite spouse or even 4 legged friend. 4. We show on the worship screen each Sunday how to get engaged with a bible study or even a small group. Why? It brings needed fellowship with other believers into our lives. Start your own small group if that is what God wants you to do. Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart!
Fred Daniels