Thank You Notes

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Thank you very much for your recent gift of $500.00 to Pittsburgh Seminary. Your financial partnership in God’s ongoing mission in the world, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary is a community of Christ followers, joining in the Spirit’s work of forming and equipping people. We aspire to help communities gain the tools necessary to make the world a better place. Your gift enables our students, faculty and staff to continue to prepare for ministry in the way of Jesus.
Thank you again for your support in this important calling. Your donation helps greatly as we pursue our mission to be a generous and hospitable community of faith and learning. We are grateful that you have chosen to join us in this call!
Every blessing,
Dominick Oliver, Director of Development

Called to Greatness

Hello at Knox Church,
My young disciple and “padawan” of The Way, (what the original Jesus followers called Christianity.) Jordan Lavin got baptized! He said it best when I was asking him about what he looks forward to after his water baptism.
Jordan: “I know it is going to be challenging, but I know God will be with me. I will get to be a part of God’s mission, and that’s pretty exciting!” Praise God in His timing in ministering to Jordan and incorporating him into partnering with His story of redeeming the earth.

Knox Church, the Prayer Warriors:
Update on the housing situation: As of now, we are under contract for a home in Lawrence. It is smack dab in between where Church and the Campus reside. Thank you for your prayers! God’s hands were all over this and the whole thing smelled like Him. Update your address books because it will be at 3200 Saddlehorn Dr. Lawrence, KS 66049 as of July 7 (Lord willing.)
By the next newsletter we will be gearing up for the new semester! Pray for our biggest vision yet, as we reach the campus and world!
For His Kingdom,
S.J. Rosenak
P.S. Thank you for your faithfulness all of these years!

A Community Response to Homelessness

Please accept our deepest thanks for your most recent donation in the amount of $2,500.00
With your faithful financial contributions, as well as the many years you have hosted our guest families overnight, you’ve demonstrated your commitment to our work here at IHN, of providing shelter and empowering homeless and single females in our community. There is no way to fully express our gratitude for your loyalty. We at IHN are continually inspired by the dedication and generosity of donors like you who answer the call to give again and again.
Simply put, if it wasn’t for faithful supporters like you, we wouldn’t exist. So thank you for providing the funds and the overnight facilities that we need to make a difference in the lives of the homeless right here in our own community.
We are deeply grateful for your support and hope that you will continue to partner with us in our mission to improve the lives of the homeless. Thank you for your donation.
Vicki L. Dercher, Executive Director