Matthew 28:19,20 tells us, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Some of the disciples were doubtful when they came to worship Jesus prior to His ascension. So the master took time to challenge them to do what He had commanded them.
1. The first thing He instructed them to do was to go out into the world. Why? Jesus wanted new disciples from all nations. For us at Knox, we must follow wherever the Holy Spirit leads. Each of us are given careful directions as we prayerfully seek to do the will of God each day. Therefore, it is critical for us to listen and discern where Jesus wants His servants to go.
2. The second thing Christ clearly states is we are to teach others all that Jesus has commanded. That means that we must immerse ourselves daily into the reading of Scripture. It is not easy to know all the things that our Master has taught us. So I recommend that each of us get in the habit of reading the gospels over and over again. Repetition is the life long journey (one of my favorite words) Jesus sends His disciples on.
3. The third thing Christ does is to promise He is with us always. How does this help us be better disciples? It is a great reminder that we are never alone when seeking to make the Good News known to others. What a comfort to know that Jesus will never leave or forsake us. Our strength comes from trusting and relying upon a faithful teacher.
So let Knox Church seek to take the name of Jesus with us out into the world!
Fred Daniels