Cherith Brook
Thursday Evening Community Dinner
Providing and serving dinner to 50-60 people
For more information or to sign up call
Kelly Hanerhoff, (913) 481-8935
Monthly Work Day
The work day is on the second Saturday of the month, 9am to 12 noon.
The work varies from month to month.
Morning Hospitality
The hospitality is Mondays and Thursdays at 8am - 11:30am.
Outdoor Work
This involves helping with the garden, orchard, bee hives and routine maintenance
like pulling weeds, trimming and mowing.
To get more information on any of these projects,
contact Cherith Brook at (816) 241-8047.
The address for Cherith Brook is 3308 E 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64127
The email is: