Thank You Notes

Rose Brooks

Thank you for helping us break the cycle of domestic violence and create safe futures. Your gift of $500 makes our life-saving work possible.
As we continue to be here for survivors, both behind our shelter walls and throughout the community, we are incredibly grateful for your kindness. Because of you, thousands of individuals who seek to create a safe future away from domestic violence, find the support they need. And while we dream of a day when our services are no longer needed, we count it a privilege to still be here providing emergency safety, permanent housing, supportive services, and more for survivors and their children.
Thank you for the gifts of safety you provide each and every day. With your help and your voices, survivors of domestic violence will have a bright and safe future.

Lisa Fleming

Aberdeen Village

Words alone cannot represent our thanksgiving for your kind and generous support of The Good Samaritan Program. But we want to thank you on behalf of the residents, staff, and resident families for your recent gift. Each day, the continued health, happiness and well-being of all our Aberdeen Village residents will serve as further expression of our gratitude for Good Samaritans like you.
Once again, thank you for your desire to support the Good Samaritan Program and the meaningful role you have in our mission.

John R. Westmacott

Called to Greatness


Financial Peace University is in session! The 13-person class filled with college students and community members is being weighed down with $309,000 in total non-mortgage debt! We are revisiting in early April to see how much of it we can clean up together. Pray big prayers for this group!
I met this guy named Steve (to give anonymity) on campus who’s from the middle east. I asked him if he has any real friends from America and he said he didn’t. Then a week later I met this guy who goes by Mike. Mike is the only undergraduate at K.U. from Uzbekistan! He played on their National Men’s soccer team and he wants to make a life for himself here. Believe with me for bridges to be built with these two men! Excited for the new beginnings and inroads for the gospel to their home countries.

Prayer Requests:

We’re going to Tennessee for our Spring Missions Trip! We are partnering with Every Nation, a Campus Ministry at Austin Peay University, in sharing the gospel and creating connections with college students. We will also connect local families in the underprivileged areas nearby Bethel Church. We are believing big to help struggling families get connected to Bethel to get the help they need!

Pray for favor with Mike and Steve as I get to know them. They are both Muslim. Believe for open hearts and open schedules!

For His Kingdom,

S.J. Rosenak