Dear friends,
I am excited to be a part of our VBS this month. I started at Knox in March of 2020, the very week that lockdown began. The only good thing about that was the lack of traffic! I have not been able to do in person ministry as much as I had hoped when I accepted my position in Christian Education. But now we are beginning to move into a new freedom, and this VBS will hopefully be the beginning of many more ministry events in which we are together, not communicating via the internet.
If you are not playing a role in VBS, I invite you to do so by praying for the students, staff, and volunteers.
VBS is June 7 and 8, 9 to 11am, and is for Knox kids, one friend, grandchildren of Knox members, and children attending the Knox Child Development Center. My prayer is this will be the beginning of getting back to church the way we like it - in person with the Spirit moving among us.
Yours joyfully,