Information from the Finance Team

Deacons Fund Offering

There will be a special offering for the Deacons Fund, December 5.  Half of the money received will go for the Deacons Emergency Fund to help those who are in need of immediate assistance.  The other half will go as "seed money" for the 2022 Cross-Lines Christmas Toy Store.  Checks should be designated to the Deacons' Fund or use a special offering envelope.

Remember to turn in your Estimate of Giving Cards.

Pray about what God is asking you to commit financially to His Kingdom work during 2022, and then fill out a card and return it. Cards are available at the Welcome Center and from the mailbox by the office door. 
Please turn in your information by Sunday, December 12, as the Budget Team will be putting together a budget for 2022.

Per Capita

The 2021 Per Capita is $43.07 per confirmed member.

Contributions for 2021

To receive credit for your 2021 contributions to Knox, all monies and gifts must be placed in the offering, brought to the office, or post marked no later than December 31 .