This week I was talking with a newer member of the Knox church family. She was asking some questions about Adult Spiritual Growth classes, Bible studies, and small groups.
I started my involvement in small groups when I was a senior in high school. My leadership skills were developed while I was a student at KU. Since that time I have been leading classes and small groups. Therefore I continue to help facilitate groups here at Knox. Why? Because Jesus showed us the value of working with a small group of believers. The book of Acts (after Pentecost) continues the emphasis on building fellowship within the church. Acts 2:41 reminds us that 3,000 people received the gospel message, were baptized, and were added to the Kingdom of God. Acts 2:42 says, “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and prayer.” Signs and wonders took place through the apostles. They held all things in common. This description in the book of Acts should be indicative of what our community and guests discover in the Body of Christ at Knox.
Do you want to become a part of a small group? Now is the time to listen to your heart and take that step of faith. Get connected and come alongside other devoted Christ followers! Call me for information on the current groups that Knox has to offer.
Fred Daniels
Director of Evangelism