Thank You

Hope Bridges

Building bridges of hope for children in Thailand

Hope Bridges supports about 120 kids in three homes.  We wanted to share how they are doing.

The Lighthouse

Twenty kids live here, ranging from grade school to college. The Lighthouse is on the outskirts of Chaing Mai, Thailand.
The kids celebrated Christmas and visited a home with approximately 50 children and staff in Mae Sariang, Thailand. They had a great time leading games, leading worship, giving gifts, and sharing a Christmas message. It was an excellent opportunity for them to be a blessing to others and practice their leadership skills with other youth. They stayed for two nights and three days.
The Lighthouse kids need new towels for the kids, and staff would be a blessing since many of them have towels that are going bad (they are thin in Thailand and not so thick so that they can dry quickly in the humid weather). Towels are about $5 each, so $100 for 20 children and staff.
One of the kids needs prayers due to anemia. The doctor ordered blood work and a visit to the doctor revealed the anemia. The medication was prescribed, and the child is feeling better, but please keep praying.

Nong Tao
Nong Tao has twenty kids and is in a rural area. The children range from 1st grade to 6th grade.
During December, the kids had a lot going with a Christmas show about Jesus' love by dancing, singing songs, and role-playing on Christmas day for a church in a nearby village. They also performed for their school, and they had a small Christmas party at the Nong Tao Church with our kids and people in the village. 
Nong Tao needs towels, hygiene kits, and a few backpacks. They also need two first aid kits. If you would like to help Nong Tao with their needs, please see the address below to donate. Prayer is requested for Nong Tao kids to know Jesus better and health and well-being for their parents. 


Chluday is located in the mountains of Thailand and is south of Chaing Mai. To get to Chuday, it is a 6-hour drive, then an overnight stay and the next morning drive up a mountain with dirt roads on a one-lane road. Literally, a one-lane road and backing up is required for the smaller vehicles. Once you arrive, you will need to plan on leaving the same day to get down the mountain before nightfall, then another overnight before going back to Chaing Mai. Due to being in the mountains and isolated from larger towns, it isn't easy to get information on how the kids are doing. Therefore no specific report for Chluday. Hopefully, next month we will have more information.

If you would like to help the kids with the towels, hygiene kits and first aid kits, please go to our donation page to donate:
Thank you for helping build bridges of hope for children in Thailand. All gifts are deeply appreciated!
Mike Lane


Thank you for helping break the cycle of domestic violence and being a part of this work.  We are honored by your gift of $1,175.00.  Because of you, lives are changed.

At Rose Brooks Center, we are acutely aware of the added challenges victims of domestic violence face right now due to isolation and social distancing.  Your kindness today will help ensure 24/7 care is still available and we thank you for being a part of our community of support during these unusual times.  We are incredibly grateful.

Rose Brooks is here for thousands of adults, children, and their pets each year.  They have often experienced unspeakable adversity at the hands of loved ones.  Yet through safety, support, counseling, advocacy and economic empowerment, they are able to rise above their pain, find hope and build new lives for themselves and their family.

Again, thank you for your life-changing gift.

Susan K Miller


Thank you for supporting The Navigators!

Five thousand Navigator staff serve worldwide, yet most people who’ve been discipled by The Navigators don’t become full-time missionaries themselves.  They are “everyday people” who simply ask God to use them right where they are.  They watch for opportunities to live out The Navigators motto, “To know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same.”  They’re people like Matt and Mary.

Matt was discipled by The Navigators in college.  He wanted God to use him wherever life took him.  Mary and he married, and when their children were young, Matt started Dads’ Basketball Night to meet other families in the school.  There Matt invited Carl to read the Bible with him, which led to other players joining them, followed by several neighbors.  What began as Dads’ Basketball Night has become a 20-year, grass-roots ministry impacting many lives with the gospel!

Your gift to The Navigators enables our staff to reach and disciple people like Matt, instilling in them the vision for passing on to others what they themselves were taught.  This is how we’ll reach our goal of developing a million new disciplemakers in this decade!  Thank you for investing in The Navigators!

Doug Nuenke


Thank you for your gift that helps reach people for Christ!

“I thank my God every time I remember you.  In all my prayers for all of you,

I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…”  __Philippians 1:3-5

Interfaith Hospitality Network, Inc.

Thank you!  We have received your November donation in the amount of $475.00 for guest lodging and food and your December donation in the amount of $125.00.  Your donations are so important to IHN! 
Your generous gift will be put to good use providing shelter and services necessary to empower homeless families and single females in our program.

We, at IHN, count our many blessings and we truly appreciate your continued support, commitment and confidence in our program as we assist those in need in our community.

Thank you for investing in IHN and those we serve!

Vicki L. Derche


Hello All:

Out of the almost 2,000 homeless kids, the KCKPS school identified 487 elevated at-risk homeless youth.  So, our goal was to get about 500 sets created.  Each set had a hat or scarf, mittens or gloves and two pairs of socks.  (Yes, as a group we collected almost 1,000 pairs of socks!)  Thanks for all your amazing generosity!

I also want to thank you for all the food that you provided last year!  One of the members of the distribution team counted 690 different kids/families served with 2,308 boxes of “food for a week” distributed. 

We start again with food boxes going out this Saturday (January 9).  The greatest need right now is cereal, peanut butter and soap.  (Those are hard for us to purchase at Harvesters.)  We now have a business that supplies us with loaves of bread and sometimes damaged produce.  So, the bread really helps to turn the peanut butter into multiple meals without cooking required.  We are consistently distributing about 100 boxes a week and always run out.

Happy New Year!

Aberdeen Village

We can’t begin to thank you enough.

Because of you, seniors will rest knowing they will be cared for should they exhaust their financial resources.
Your gift brings peace and comfort to all of the residents at Aberdeen Village.  For that, we are grateful.  Across the PMMA communities, residents and staff come together as family to celebrate the gift of selfless love.  Your gift serves as a symbol of Christ’s love for all.  You are truly a blessing.

Best wishes to you, your loved ones, and your entire congregation, for peace, strength, happiness, and health in this new year.

Sincerely yours,
Tim Allin