Dear Friends:
Thank you for your donation to Cross-Lines! Your generous gift truly changes the lives of struggling Kansas City individuals and families. You give hope!
Through your kindness, we can continue to help at-risk families, seniors and individuals with food, basic hygiene items, utility and rent assistance, and housing stabilization so families can remain in their homes...and help homeless families escape life on the streets.
I welcome the chance to meet you and give you a tour of our campus so you can see all the wonderful things your gift makes possible. Feel free to call me at (913) 281-3388 or email me at Please follow us on Facebook for the latest Cross-Lines news and updates.
Thank you for giving hope and caring about those living in poverty in the Kansas City community.
With appreciation,
Susila Jones
From Lori Triplett LLT
Thanks so much for making our dental supplies drive so successful! At the packing party, we were able to assemble over 300 bags with toothpaste, toothbrushes, and floss.
Now we move on to Phase 2 of our Spring Break Meal Bags. FOOD! We have been collecting granola bars, crackers and cheese, protein bars, fruit snacks and fruit bars, and other healthy items for the children to eat over the Spring Break from school. This is a week long period when the children do not receive any school breakfast or lunches or outside help with grocery needs. We want to do everything we can to ensure that the students have access to food over the break!
Thanks so much for your continued support of these kids!