Transition Team Information

Who is on the Transition Team?
Terry White, Debbie Schluben, Bruce Parker, Julie Larsen, Julie Kate Moylan, Serinity Flaherty, Beth Ashley, Todd Baker, Bill Magee
What is the Transition Team?
“As the leaders of the congregation, the Session has the ability to create task forces and teams to conduct the business of the church. Your church has standing teams created by your by-laws to conduct the business of the church: Worship and Arts, Children and Family, Finance and others. You can also have task forces created for particular needs for shorter periods of time. When Transitional Ministry Pathways works with churches, we facilitate the creation of a Transition Team to address the particular needs of the congregation in this time.
We recommend and your Session adopted a process of creating the Transition Team that involves everyone. Discerning, identifying and claiming the church’s future direction requires the investment and buy-in of the congregation. The best process for achieving that is ask members of the congregation to identify people who are spiritually mature, who see “the big picture” and not just their particular perspective, who are curious and open while at the same time hold strong values. We ask not just for names, for that can be a kind of popularity contest, but instead ask for qualities that would make the person a good member of the team. We will be working with the Admin Team to pull those names together into a recommended slate, looking for a balance of gifts, perspectives and experiences to represent that whole congregation. The Session will receive the recommendation for the Transition Team at its January meeting and vote on them. The team will be commissioned on January 28. They will be surrounded with our prayers and blessings.
The work of the Transition Team is to develop a discernment process that will consider the history of Knox, the present moment and context and to develop a vision for the future. Along the way, the Session and the Transition Team, along with the work of Transitional Ministry Pathways, will identify issues that will need to be addressed in preparation for the next pastor. The issues that bubble up will be prioritized and delegated to the appropriate group for leading work on them. Session, Staff, the Transition Team, the Administrative Team and Transitional Ministry Pathways will be working together with the congregation.
The Transition Team will develop a document that will include evaluation of the past, present and recommendations for the future, identifying the needs of the congregation in its next chapter of life. This document will name the current identity of the congregation and the characteristics and skills needed for the next pastor to live into the mission and vision of Knox Church. The document will be approved by Session and sent and approved by the Committee on Ministry of Heartland Presbytery. With the approval of the report, a request to form a Pastor Nominating Committee will go to the Committee on Ministry.
-Jan Nolting Carter and Paul Rhebergen Co Founders, Transition Ministry Pathways
How is the Transition Team connected to the Pastor Nominating Committee?
The Pastor Nominating Committee is a committee of the congregation. The Nominating Committee of the church, also a congregational committee, will identify a slate of persons who will be presented for vote of the congregation. Transitional Ministry Pathways will train the Nominating Committee on what kinds of persons will be best suited for a successful Pastor Nominating Committee. The characteristics are similar to the Transition Team: an open and wide perspective, an understanding of who Knox is, and an ability to work in a team. It is also essential that those on the Pastor Nominating Committee have been active participants in the transition process, participating in the events and listening sessions, showing up when needed, engaging in the learning we will experience together. It is recommended that two people who served on the Transition Team serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee to offer continuity of work and decision making.
The Pastor Nominating Committee will conduct the search for the next pastor. Transitional Ministry Pathways will train the committee in the process and then back away, offering resources and consultation in the process as requested. In this time, we will continue to work with the Session regarding living into the new vision for the congregation.”
-Jan Nolting Carter and Paul Rhebergen Co Founders, Transition Ministry Pathways
The Work of the Transition Team
For the next four to six months the congregation’s work of finding new pastoral leadership will be led by a Transition Team of nine members of the congregation. Revs. Jan Nolting Carter and Paul Rhebergen of Transitional Ministry Pathways will guide the Transition Team in its work.
The Transition team will lead the congregation in a process that will cover seven basic tasks:
● To remind people of their Biblical/Historical Calling
● To examine their Identity as a congregation
● To reflect upon their Context of ministry
● To review the current Ministry of the Church
● To explore the structures and processes used in the congregation’s life together
● To articulate a vision for the future of the congregation and the mission Priorities for living into that Vision
● To identify the skills, talents, and abilities needed in the next pastor of this congregation.
The process will involve reviewing different discernment tools available to accomplish these tasks and recommend a Study Process to the Session. The Transition Team will then plan and carry out a Discernment Process listening to the Spirit’s guidance as it comes through the breadth of the congregation. The work will include the gathering of information on the make-up of the congregation (Identity) and on the make-up of the community in which this church does ministry (Context). This may include a survey of the congregation and will include a study of the demographics of the community that surrounds you.
The Transition Team will plan and carry out a series of small group gatherings, seeking wide participation of the congregation. This may include the recruiting of small group leaders and hosts from beyond the membership of the Transition Team.
The Team will compile and review the information gathered, write a summary, and draw conclusions to be presented to the Session. This will include a Vision and Mission Statement, recommended goals and priorities for the ministry of the church, and a statement on the kind pastoral leadership needed to lead the congregation into the Identified Vision for ministry Christ is calling this church to live. The Session will have the responsibility to edit and finalize these statements and to establish the next most faithful steps for this church. This report will provide the basis for the documents the Pastor Nominating Committee will write for the search process.
The work of the Transition Team should take about six months, depending on the schedule it establishes for the Discernment Process. The members of the Transition Team will need to commit to regular meetings, carrying out specific tasks required, be able to work with the congregational survey data and demographic material, be willing to listen to each other and the congregation, and be willing to share their own thoughts and ideas as they seek to discern the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Participation in the Transition Team does not preclude participation in the Pastor Nominating Committee, nor does it assure such participation. The PNC will be nominated by the congregation’s Nominating Committee, and elected by the congregation at a later date (Fall 2024).
Revs. Jan Nolting Carter and Paul Rhebergen will meet with the Transition Team, and be a resource and guide for its work.