If you are able to help please contact Barb or Candace:
Food items for Breakfast & Lunch -
Contact Candace Parker cmparker1006@gmail.com 708-0797
Dinner 5:45-6:30: Sunday 21, Tuesday 23, and Saturday 27
Contact Candace Parker cmparker1006@gmail.com 708-0797
This can be to bring dinner only, bring dinner and serve, or serve only.
Evening Host 6:30-9:00: Sunday 21, Tuesday 23, and Saturday 27
Contact Barb Bang sandbbang@gmail.com 766-0298/ 439-7722
This will just be upstairs sitting in the Atrium and guests downstairs.
Overnight 9-6:30: Barb has requested that the LDS provide 2 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and they have agreed to do that. Monday they can only supply 1, so what Knox needs to cover is 2 overnighters for Sunday, Tuesday & Saturday and 1 for Monday. Please remember that you will only be upstairs and the guests will remain downstairs only.
To sign up to help or if you have questions, please contact Barb Bang sandbbang@gmail.com 766-0298 or 439-7722.