It is a Knox tradition to celebrate Christmas in July by bringing gifts and toys to church for the Cross-Lines Christmas Toy Store that is held in December. Each year, Knox provides families with the opportunity to select one toy/gift for each child ages 0 to 17, a stuffed toy per child ages 0 to 12, several books per child, several stocking stuffers for children and one board game per family. They provide these gifts to about 1,200 children per year.
Take an ornament or several from the Christmas tree in the hallway and shop for the gift written on the ornament. Then bring the gifts/toys to church and place them in the Cross-Lines box near the Welcome Center.
On Sunday, July 21, a special offering will be taken that will help purchase toys and giftsofor the Christmas store. Note in the memo section of your check that it is for the Toy Store. Monetary donations are always welcome from those who are unable to shop.