Can you think of scriptural promises which claim to help us overcome the evil one? Read John 8:44. How does Jesus describe the devil?
Parents: how does His description help us fight back when we recognize that we are going through a major temptation?
Children: share a temptation you might be facing this week.
Read James 5:7. Notice two instructions James gives to us. This is a daily practice for us to follow. Take time to pray those two instructions today and tomorrow, then share results with family members on Sunday. Do you truly believe the promise James gives to us at the end of verse 7? Why do you believe this promise?
Read I Peter 5:7. How does Peter describe our adversary, the devil? Children, how does this description help you become more alert to his attacks?
Read Ephesians 6:11-18. How do we become strong in the Lord? Notice how Paul tells us in verse 11 that we need protection.
Parents: what kind of struggles are you facing each day against the forces of wickedness? Read verse 12. How do we stand firm when these attacks come our way? Read verses 13-17. Read verse 18. What should we pray for other Christians?
If you are not a daily reader of Scripture or a prayer warrior, then today make it your goal to read through the gospel of John during Lent. Create a scripture list that helps you find promises that you can cling to as the devil attacks your spiritual life. List some promises found in John that might help you know Jesus better and to trust in His amazing love.